

Unit 6 必背词组与句子

  1. Talking on the phone 打电话
  2. Talking with/to sb 和某人谈话
  3. Listening to a CD听CD
  4. Using the computer使用计算机
  5. Making soup做汤
  6. Washing the dishes = do the dishes 洗碗
  7. What about………怎么样
  8. Go to the movies去看电影
  9. Join me for dinner和我一起吃晚餐
  10. At home在家
  11. Eat out外出吃饭
  12. Meet at my home first首先在我家见面
  13. See you then再见
  14. At half past six六点半
  15. At the pool在游泳池
  16. At the library在图书馆
  17. At school在学校
  18. At the supermarket在超市
  19. Host family主人的家
  20. Watch boat races看龙舟赛
  21. The United States of America美国
  22. Live with sb和某人生活在一起
  23. An American family in New York 纽约的一个美国家庭
  24. The night before the festival节日前夜
  25. Any other night任何其他夜晚
  26. Young children小孩子
  27. Soccer games足球赛
  28. A picture of my family我的一张家庭照片
  29. In the living room在起居室
  30. Talk show谈话节目
  31. TV show电视节目
  32. Radio show收音机节目
  33. Kind of boring有点乏味
  34. Make zongzi做粽子
  35. Make dinner= cook dinner 做晚餐
  36. Go boating/ swimming/ fishing/ shopping去划船、去游泳、去钓鱼、去购物
  37. Do some washing/ shopping/reading/cooking洗衣、购物、阅读、做饭



  1. This is Jenny. 我是
  2. It’s Laura here.我是
  3. Is Alice there?你是Alice。
  4. This is here sister, Julie.我是Julie的姐姐
  5. Is that Jenny speaking?你是Jenny吗?


  1. What are you doing?你在做什么?
  2. What’s she doing?她在做什么?
  3. Is she reading a newspaper?她在读报纸吗?
  4. She’s still at school.她依然在学校
  5. That sounds good.听起来很好
  6. Do you want to go to the movies?你想去看电影吗?
  7. My TV show is also not very interesting.我的电视节目也不是很有趣
  8. Here is a picture of my family.这是我的一张家庭照片
  9. He’s studying for a test.他正在为一次考试而学习
  10. I think I can play soccer with you.我想我可以和你一起踢足球
  11. Today’s story is story about Zhu Hui, a student from Shenzhen.今天的故事是关于朱辉,一个来自于深圳的学生的。
  12. He’s now studying in the United States.他现在正在美国学习
  13. Zhu Hui’s family are at home.朱辉的家人在家
  14. Is Zhu Hui watching the races and eating zongzi?朱辉正在看比赛和吃粽子吗?
  15. It’s the night before the festival.这是节日的前夜
  16. It’s like any other night for Zhu Hui and his host family.对于朱辉和他的主人的家来主人的家来说,就象其他任何夜晚一样。
  17. The mother is reading a story to her young children.这位妈妈正给她的小孩子读故事。
  18. Zhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his mom’s delicious zongzi.朱辉思念他的家人,并且希望吃妈妈做的美味的粽子
  19. What time is it in New York?纽约现在是几点?
  20. He’s living with an American family in New York.他和纽约的一个美女国家庭生活在一起。
  21. See you tomorrow evening.明天晚上见
  22. I’m just washing my clothes.我恰好在洗我的衣服。
  23. Do you want to join me for dinner?你愿意和我一起共进晚餐吗?


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年11月9日19:30:45
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