




do短语:(do- did- done )

do the dishes 洗餐具,洗碗碟

do one’s homework 做家庭作业

do housework 做家务

do exercise  锻炼,运动

do (grammar) exercises 做(语法)练习

do morning exercises 做早操

do well in     在......干得好

do some washing /reading / cleaning/

writing / shopping

洗衣服/ 看书/打扫卫生/写作/购物

do some sports   做运动

do with   处理

do/ try one’s best (to do sth.) 尽某人最大努力


put短语:(put- put - put )

put away 放好, 收拾好

put on 穿上, 体重增加,长胖, 上演

put up 举起, 张贴,搭建

put off (doing sth) 推迟, 拖延,

put down 放下,  记下

put out 扑灭 ,伸出



look at = have a look at 看......

look up 查阅,向上看

look over 仔细检查

look through  浏览

look like  看起来像

look for  寻找

look out  向外看,小心

look after  照料,照顾

look around 四处看看,环顾四周

look back at  回顾,回首,回忆

look forward to (doing) sth期待,盼望

look up to  钦佩,仰慕, 尊敬

look down upon 看不起,蔑视

have/ take a look  看一看



turn on 打开

turn up 调大

turn down 调小;拒绝

turn off     关闭

turn to    求助, 转向

turn right/left  向左/右转

turn around  转身,调头

turn  over  翻身 , 翻转

turn out    结果是


take 短语:(take- took - taken )

take notes 做笔记

take in   吸入,吞入

take off  (飞机)起飞;脱掉

take after  与……像

take out   取出

take away  带走

take up (doing sth.)   开始从事,占据

take down 拆除,往下拽,记录

take risks/a risk 冒险

take breaks (a break) 休息

take a walk 散步

take a shower 淋浴,洗澡

take one’s time 不急,慢慢来

take an interest in 对.....感兴趣

take place 发生

take an action (to do sth.)采取行动

take part in 参加

take an active part in 积极参加

take one’s temperature 量体温

take out the rubbish 倒垃圾

take care of  = look after 照顾,照看

take pride in ...为...感到自豪(=be proud of)

take ... seriously  认真对待......

take one’s place/position 代替,替换

take photos (of...) 拍照

take it easy 从容,不紧张

take / have a rest 休息

take medicine 服药

take exercise 做运动

take the subway/train 乘地铁/火车

take a message 捎个口信,传话

take one’s order 点菜

take turns 轮流


get短语: (get - got - got/gotten )

get up 起床

get on  上车

get to  到达 (get there / here / home)

get back回来

get into 进入,陷入(get into trouble )

get out 出去

get off 下车

get out of...从.....出去

get over  克服,恢复

get hit on the head 头部挨打

get a prize 获奖

get to sleep 睡觉

get in the way of   妨碍,影响

get / be married (to sb.)  (与某人)结婚

get ready for 为......做准备

get along/on(well) with sb./sth.

与……相处(融洽), 某事进展顺利

get close to 接近,靠近

get dressed 穿衣服

get lost 迷路

get bored 感到厌烦

get mad  大动肝火,气愤

get one’s ears pierced 打耳洞

get sth.done  叫/让别人做某事

get sb. to do sth. 叫/让某人做某事


come 短语:(come- came -come )

come true  实现

come out  出现,出版,发表

come on   加油;快点

come over  顺便来访

come in  进来

come into 进入

come back 回来

come across (偶然)遇见(或发现)

come along  出现,跟随

come to realize 开始意识到...

come up with 想出

come to oneself 苏醒,恢复知觉


go短语:(go- went - gone )

go for a walk 去散步

go to the movies 去看电影

go shopping/swimming/camping /fishing


go somewhere interesting 去有趣的地方

go down/along (the street ) 沿着(这条街)走

go off (闹钟)发出响声

go on         继续

go away     走开

go back      回去

go out        出去;出国,熄灭

go along...   沿着……走

go over        仔细检查;复习

go through     浏览;翻阅;通过

go up     上升,上涨

go by    从...旁边经过,

(时间,机会等) 过去

(as time goes by 随着时间的流逝)

go out of one’s way 特地,格外努力

go past / pass by 路过,经过


set 短语:(set- set - set )

set out 出发,启程

set off 出发,动身

set up 建立,成立


give 短语:(give- gave - given )

give up 放弃

give in  屈服,让步

give out  分发, 发出(气味,热等)

give away 捐赠

give off 发出或放出(光,热,气味等)

give back 归还

give birth to 生;产生

give sb. a ride / lift  捎某人一程

give a speech (in public) (在公共场合演讲)

give sb. a hand 给予帮助

give thanks for ... 对......表示感谢


cut短语:(cut- cut - cut )

cut up    切碎

cut down  砍倒,减少

cut off   切除

cut in   插队,插嘴

cut out  切断,删除

cut ... in half  把......切成两半


call 短语: (call-called-called)

call up 打电话

call in 召来,叫来

call on 号召,拜访

call for 要求,需要

call off 取消


care 短语:

care about v.担心,关心,在乎

care for看护,照顾,非常喜欢

take care of 照顾,照料


make短语:(make- made - made )

make tea泡茶

make promises 许下诺言

make noise 吵闹

make a telephone call 打电话

make a wish 许愿

make the/one’s bed 整理床铺

make friends with 与......交朋友

make a face/ faces 做鬼脸

make a living 谋生,度日

make rules 制定规则

make sure (to do sth )确保,查明

make a difference to..对...有影响,有作用

make a decision (to do sth.) 做决定

make one’s own decision 自己做决定

make up one’s mind下决心;拿定主意

make one’s way (to) 前往,费力地前进

make progress( in)...   (在...方面)取得进步

make mistakes (in) 犯错误

make fun of      拿...... 开玩笑

make room for    给...... 腾地方

be made in 产自某地

be made of 由...制成(看得出原材料)

be made from 由...制成(看不出原材料)

be made into...  被制成...

make up构成,组成;编造

be made up of 由……组成,由……构成

make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事

be made to do sth.  被迫做某事

make it possible (for sb. to do sth. )使…可能

make full use of 充分利用

make an effort (to do sth)  作出努力

make sb. feel at home  使某人感到宾至如归

make a mess  弄得一团糟

make it 及时赶到,成功,办成, 约定


fall 短语:(fall - fell - fallen )

fall behind 落后

fall ill 生病

fall into  掉进...里

fall asleep 进入梦乡,睡着

fall down  倒下,滑到

fall off  从...掉下来

fall over 绊倒

fall in love with 爱上...


use 短语:

be / get used to (doing) sth习惯于

be used to do sth 被用来做某事

be used for doing sth. 被用来做某事

used to do sth 过去常常做某事

put sth. to good use 好好利用某物


think短语 (think-thought -thought)

think of 记起,想起,考虑,认为

think over 仔细考虑

think about 考虑,思考

think up = come up with 想出

think back to 回忆起


break短语(break- broke -broken)

break out (战争,火灾)突然发生,爆发

break down 发生故障

break the law / rule 违反法律/规章制度

break one’s word / promise 食言,说话不算数


keep短语:(keep- kept- kept )

keep healthy/ fit 保持健康

keep (sb.) away from   远离 ......

keep out 不让......进入,挡住

keep off (使)不接近,避开,关闭

keep doing sth 不断地或一直做某事

keep on doing sth 继续/一直做某事

keep sb doing sth. 使某人一直做某事

keep sb. from doing sth 阻止某人做某事

keep in touch with sb. 与某人保持联系

keep one’s cool 沉住气,保持冷静


have 短语:have- had -had

have got = have 有

have to 不得不

have breakfast/lunch/ dinner 吃早餐/中餐/晚餐

have a big breakfast 吃一顿丰盛的早餐

have a good time (doing sth.) 玩的开心

have fun (doing sth) 过得愉快

have a rest/break 休息

have a picnic 野餐

have a try 试一试

had better do sth. 最好做某事

have a point 有道理

have an influence on 对....有影响

have ... in common 有相同特征,


have a fight with...(=fight with)与…吵架

have a look (at)看一看

have no idea 不知道,不清楚

have a cough / headache/ cold /fever

咳嗽 /头痛 /感冒/发烧

have a toothache/ sore throat

牙痛 / 喉咙痛

have the flu得了流感

have to do with 与......有联系/关联

have nothing to do with与 ......无关

have something to do with 与...... 有点关系

have been to 曾经去过(人已经回来了)

have gone to 已经去了某地(人还未回来)

have a chance to do sth. 有机会去做某事

have nothing against doing sth. 不反对做某事

have part-time jobs 做兼职工作

have a better understanding of sth. 精通


play 短语:play -played -played

play chess 下棋

play basketball/ football /cards


play sports 进行体育运动

play the piano/ guitar/ violin


play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人

play a role in 在......中扮演角色


play a part in 在......中起作用,参与

play an important role  起重要作用

play the role of ... 扮演......的角色


leave 短语(leave-left-left)

leave for  动身去

leave a message 留言,留口信

leave behind 留下,遗留

leave out 遗漏,不包括,忽略

(feel left out)感觉被冷落(忽略)了

sick leave 病假

leave sth. +地点 把某物落在......



up 短语:

stay up late  熬夜

wake up 醒来

eat up 吃光

drink up 喝光

use up 用光

think up  想出

clean up  打扫;清除

pick up 捡起, 接载,接电话

cheer up  使……振奋,高兴

grow up 长大

catch up with  赶上

call up  打电话

put up    搭建,举起,张贴

send up   发射

end up as   最终成为

end up with   以...... 结束

end up doing sth  以做某事而结束

take up (doing sth.)开始从事

show up 赶到,露面

fix up 修理

bring up 教育,培养

set up 出发,启程

mix up 搅拌,混合

hurry up 赶快

ring /call up 打电话

look up 查阅

dress up (as) 装扮(成)


off 短语:

cut off 切除

turn off 关掉

keep off 勿踏;勿踩, 不接近, 关闭

take off 脱下;起飞

put off 推迟;拖延

clean...off 把……擦掉

show off 炫耀;卖弄

run off 跑掉;迅速离开

break off 突然中止;中断

set off 动身;起程;使爆发

get off 下车

go off  (闹钟)发出响声

run off  跑掉,迅速离开

shut off  关闭,停止运转

kick sb. off 开除某人



work out  计算出,解决

find out   查明

hand out  分发

lay out 摆开,布置(lay-laid-laid)

put out 熄灭

sell out 卖光

take out 拿出

blow out 吹灭

point out 指出

get out 出去,离开

go out 出去

hand out 分发,发放

hang out 闲逛

check  out 查看,观察

cut out 删除,删去

run out (of) 用尽,耗尽

get out of 离开,从...出来

clear out 清理,丢掉

set out 出发,启程

keep out 不让入内

bring out 使显现,使表现出

come out 出来,出版,发表

try out for 参加......的选拔,试用

help out (帮助......) 分担工作,解决问题

leave out 忽略,不包括,不提及


with 短语:

deal with  处理,应对

come up with 想出

agree with 同意

begin/ start with 以…开始

connect ...with 把…与…联系

compare ...with 把…与…比较

argue....with 与…争吵

communicate ... with  与…交流

fall in love with ...爱上…

discuss sth. with sb. 与…讨论…

be filled with.../fill…with 填满,装满

provide sb. with sth. 向某人提供某物

(=provide sth. for sb.)

be covered with...被....覆盖

be angry with...对...生气

be busy with...忙于...

help… with... 在…帮助

make friends with... 与…交朋友

play with玩.....

talk with 与…谈

part with 放弃,交出(尤指不舍得的东西)

with one's help  在某人的帮助下,由于

with the help of …  在……的帮助下



ask (sb.) for sth. 要;要求;请求

ask (sb.)  for help 向某人求助

send for 派人去请

wait for等候;等待

pay for付……账;付买……的钱

leave for  前往...

thanks for 为……而感谢

prepare for 为……做准备

get ready for 为……做准备

be famous for... 因...闻名

be thirsty for... 渴望,渴求

be responsible for 对... 负责任


away 短语:

take away拿走

run away逃跑;跑掉

give away 赠送;捐赠

throw away扔掉

put away 把……收起来;整理

keep away from避开,不接近,离...远远的


on 短语:

put on 穿上,(体重)增加

turn on 打开

try on 试穿;试试看

work on 从事;忙于

keep on 继续(进行)

decide on 选定,决定

depend on 依靠,依赖

agree on 就...达成协议决定, 同意,赞成

be hard on sb. 过于严厉对待某人

be on 上演, 上映

from now on 从现在起

get along / on (well )with  进展,与…...相处

spend ... on sth 在......方面花费(时间/钱)

(spend time in doing sth ) 花时间做某事

go on with sth. 继续做某事

hold on 等一等(别挂电话)

concentrate on 集中,全神贯注于



fall into 落入;陷入

knock into 与……相撞

turn...into 变成……

divide... into... 把……分成

change... into 转换成;把……变成

translate ... into... 把......翻译成......

get into 进入;陷入;习惯于

look into 向……里面看;调查


from 短语:

come / be from 来自

hear from sb. 收到……的来信

learn...from... 向……学习……

prevent from 妨碍;阻止;制止

separate...from... 从……分开

keep/stay...away from 避免接近;远离


like 短语:

feel like 想要(doing sth.);感觉像

sound like 听起来像

look like 看起来像


down 短语:

pull down 拆下,摧毁

look down 小看...

put down记下;放下

lie down  躺下

take down 拆除

die down渐渐消失(变弱),平息

let ...down使...失望,放下,降低,

write down写下,记下(write-wrote-written)

turn down 把……调小;关小

break down 发生故障


in 短语:

take in 吞如,吸入

believe in 信任

hand in 递交,上交

join in 参加

take part in 参加

in public 公开地

in person  亲自

in one's twenties  在某人二十几岁时

in general  大体上,一般而言

in order to 为了...

in short 总之

in a hurry匆忙地

in the end 最后(=at last)

in the future 将来

be interested in...对……感兴趣

all in all总而言之

get in the way of妨碍

in one’s opinion在...看来

be in control of...掌管,掌控

be in danger/trouble 处于危险之中

succeed in doing sth

be successful in doing sth 成功地做某事

in fact 事实上

in silence 沉默,无声

in surprise 吃惊的,惊讶的

in time  及时

in a row  连续几次地

in line with 与...成一排

in that case 既然那样

in the past / last few years 在过去的几年里


in the sun 在阳光下

in total 总共,总计

in the face of 面对(问题,困难等)


be 短语:

be of medium height / build 中等身高/身材

be up to 是......的职责,由......决定

be regarded as 被视为...被看做是...

be seen as   被看做是

be born with 天生具有

be friends with sb. 成为某人的朋友

be harmful to 对...有害

be thankful to sb. 对...心存感激

be worth doing 值得做

(be) close to (doing) 几乎,接近

be comfortable doing sth. 做某事很轻松自如/舒服

be busy doing sth / with sth. 忙着做某事

be expected to do sth. 被期望做某事,应当做某事

be supposed to do sth. 应当做某事

be the same as    和...... 相同

be different from   与......不同

be similar to       与......相似



hear of/ about 听说 (hear-heard-heard)

hear from sb. 收到某人的来信

walk into 走路时撞着

remind sb. of sth 使某人想起...

remind sb.to do sth. 提醒某人做某事

feel free to do sth (可以)随便做某事

brink back 恢复,使想起,归还

separate from 分离,隔开

drive sb. crazy /mad 使人发疯/发狂

drop by 顺便访问

(drop- dropped- dropped )

can’t wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事

can’t help doing sth. 情不自禁做某事

can’t afford to do sth 负担不起

pay attention to (介) 注意,关注

(pay- paid- paid )

prefer sth. to sth. (to 为介词)

prefer doing sth. to doing sth.


(prefer- preferred-preferred)

prefer to do sth rather than do sth

would rather do sth. than do sth

would do sth rather than do sth.


pull together 齐心协力,通力合作

put sth. to good use 好好利用某物

run after (sb./sth.) 追逐,追赶

run away 离开, 逃离

stare at 盯着看,凝视

stick to (doing sth) 坚持,固守

talk  to/ with  sb. 和某人说话

talk  about  sb./sth. 谈论某人/某事

talk back (to. sb. ) 回嘴,顶嘴

have trouble / difficulty (in) doing sth.


point at 指着     point out 指出

shout at 冲......大声叫嚷

shout to 对......大声喊

laugh at  嘲笑


a symbol of  ...... 的象征

in one go 一下子,一口气

another two hours

=two more hours 又/再两个小时

to one’s surprise 使...惊讶的, 出乎...意料

right away 立刻,马上

as far as I know 就我所知

even though/if 即使,虽然

at birth 出生时

up to 到达(某数量,程度等),至多有

ever since 自从

one another =each other 互相

a couple of 两个,一对,几个

on the one hand..., on the other hand...


all year round 全年

as for 至于,关于

to be honest 说实在的

along with 连同,除...以外还

by accident 偶然,意外地

by mistake 错误地,无意中

by hand 用手工

to start with 起初,开始时

without doubt 毫无疑问

with pleasure愉快地;乐意地;愿意

another time 其他时间,别的时间

at a high temperature 用高温

at a low price 以低价

kind of 稍微,有点儿

a kind of 一种

across from 在......对面



be famous/known for sth.   因…著名

be famous/known as sb.   作为…而闻名


be made from   由…制成(化学变化)

be made of   由…制成(物理变化)


be pleased to do sth.   乐意做某事

be pleased with sb./sth.  对…感到满意


be/ get ready for sth.   为……做准备

be ready to do sth.   准备……


be good/bad for sth.   对……有益/ 害

be good/bad at (doing) sth.擅长/不擅长…


be strict in sth.   在某方面严格

be strict with sb.   对某人要求严格


be busy (in) doing sth.   忙于……

be busy with sth.   忙于……


be afraid of (doing) sth.   害怕……

be afraid to do sth.    不敢……


be angry with sb.    生……的气

be angry at sth.   因……而生气


be careful of sth.   小心,注意……

be certain/sure of sth.   对……有把握

be fond of (doing) sth.   喜欢……

be proud of sb.   以……感到自豪

be ashamed of sb./ (doing)sth为...感到羞愧

be full of sth.   充满……

be short of sth.   缺乏……

be tired of (doing) sth.  对……厌倦



be busy with sth.   忙于……

be strict with sb.   对某人要求严格

be pleased with sb./sth.  对……感到满意

be patient with sb.  对……有耐心

be filled with sth.   充满……

be angry with sb.   生……的气

be familiar with sb./ sth.  对……熟悉

be popular with sb.   受……欢迎

be born with sth.  天生具有……

be covered with sth.   被……所覆盖

be good with sb.   与......相处得好


be similar to 与......相像的,类似的

be friendly/kind/nice to sb.   对……友好

be polite to sb.   对……有礼貌

be rude to sb.   对……粗鲁

be afraid to do sth.   不敢……

be harmful to sb./ sth.   对……有危害

be close to sth. / sb.    靠近……接近

be pleased to do sth.   乐意……

be ready to do sth.   准备……

be glad to do sth.   开心做……

be willing to do sth.   乐于……

be sure to do sth.   一定会……

be famous/known for sth.   因……著名

be/ get ready for sth.   为……做准备

be good/bad for sth.   对……有益/ 害

be responsible for    对…负责

be sorry for sb./ sth.   对……遗憾,抱歉

be late for     迟到……

be thirsty for sth.   渴求……

be used for (doing) sth.   用于……


be/become interested in (doing) sth.   对……感兴趣

be successful in (doing) sth.   在……成功

be talented in 在... ...方面有天赋

be rich in sth.    富含……,盛产

be weak in (doing) sth.   在……方面薄弱

be active in doing sth.   积极……

be busy (in) doing sth.   忙于……

be strict in (doing) sth.   对……要求严格

be made in sw.   在……生产或制造

do well in doing sth.在…方面做得好,善于

be dressed in sth.   穿着……


be worried about sb./ sth. 对……感到担忧

be sure about / of sth.   对……有把握

be crazy about sb./ sth.   对……着迷

be excited about (doing) sth.对…感到兴奋

be nervous about 因……而紧张

be serious about 对......是认真的/严肃的

be relaxed about 对......随意/放松


be good/ bad at (doing) sth.擅长/不擅长…

be angry at sth.   因……而生气

be surprised at 对……感到吃惊

be amazed at sth.   对……感到惊讶

be mad at sb.   生……的气

be glad at sth.   因……而高兴


be far from sw.   离......远

be separate from sb./sth.   与……分离

be made from   由……制成(化学变化)

be absent from sth.   缺席

be different from sb./sth.   与……不同

be hard on sb.   对……苛刻

be famous/known as sb.作为……而闻名



  • 本文由 发表于 2023年11月13日16:09:52
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