


Section A

  1. Mario used to be short. He used to wear glasses. 玛里奥过去个子矮。他过去常戴眼镜。

 (1) used to  “过去常常做某事,表示过去习惯性、经常性的动作或状态。侧重过去与现在的对比 

e.g. The old man used to be a great airplane pilot. 那位老人过去是一位出色的飞行员。

They used to go fishing on Saturday, but now they no longer do so. 过去他们经常周六去钓鱼,但现在他们不再那样做了。

 (2) used to 否定式可以为 didn’t use to …  usedn’t to …

e.g. He used to help the old. He didn’t use to help the old. / He used not to help the old.

他过去常帮助老人。          他过去不常帮助老人。

 (3) 疑问句也有两种 Did … use to…?   Used … to…?

e.g. Amy used to be serious.       Did Amy use to be serious? / Used Amy to be serious?

艾米过去很严肃。           艾米过去很严肃吗?

特殊疑问句也有两种 e.g. What did Amy use to be like? / What used Amy to be like?

(4) 特殊:表示“过去存在”:there used to be… 暗指现在已经不存在。

e.g. There used to be a beautiful lake near my house. 过去我家附近有一个漂亮的湖。

辨析: used to do  be used to doing  be used to do

(1) used to do 指过去常常做… He used to play the piano after school. 他过去放学后常弹钢琴。

(2) be used to doing 习惯于做… to 是介词, 故to 后用doing.

He used to ride the bike to work, but now he is used to walking to work. 他过去骑自行车上班,但现在他习惯步行上班。

(3) be used to do 被用来做…

Computers are used to help people do many things. 电脑被用来帮助人们做很多事情。

  1. You used to be short, didn’t you? 你过去个子矮,对吗?


(1) 当陈述部分含有 never, few, hardly, no, nobody, nothing, little, seldom 等否定词时,反问句肯定

She has never seen a three-D movie at the cinema, has she? 她从没在电影院看过3D电影,不是吗

Nothing is impossible if you put your heart in it, is it? 如果你用心没有什么是不可能的,不是吗?

 (2) 关于祈使句的反意疑问句:

Remember to close the door, will you/ won’t you? 记得关门,好吗?

Let us have a rest, will you?  让我们休息一下,好吗?

Let’s have a rest, shall we?   咱们休息一下,好吗?

  1. I play soccer and I’m on the swim team. 我踢足球并加入了游泳队。

on the swim team= on the swimming team 介词用on

  1. People sure change. 人肯定是有变化的。

(1) sure adv. 在此处相当于surely

sure adj. 确定的;肯定的  常见用法有:

① be sure about/of sth.

e.g. I’m not quite sure about that. 那件事我还不能十分肯定。

② be sure +从句

e.g. Are you sure that this is the right bus? 你肯定就是这辆公共汽车吗?

I’m not sure whether he’s telling the truth. 我不肯定他是否在说实话。

③ make sure 确保(某事发生)

e.g. Make sure you get here before midnight. 你要确保在午夜之前到达这里。

 (2) change ① v. 改变,可当vt 和vi

e.g. You’ve changed a lot since I last saw you. 自从我上次看到你,你变了很多。

Can you change English into Chinese? 你能把英文翻译成中文吗?

 ② n. 改变 (a) change in/ to sth 在某方面有改变

e.g. Doctors say there’s no change in the patient’s condition. 医生说这个病人的情况没有变化。

注意:change 是改变的意思,而exchange是交换的意思。

e.g.  an exchange student 交换生  She exchanged her earrings for cash. 她把耳环换成了现金。

  1. I used to be afraid of the dark. 我过去怕黑。

dark: ① n. 黑暗自然界的黑,如黄昏;夜晚)常用the dark, 固定搭配before/after/until dark中,是零冠词e.g. All the lights went out and we were left in the dark. 所有灯都熄灭了,我们陷入了黑暗中。

We are not allowed to go out after dark. 天黑后我们不准外出。

② adj. (darker, darkest) 黑的;暗的 It is too dark to see anything. 太黑了,什么都看不见。

  darkness: n. 黑暗社会;人性的黑,包含无知,阴郁等意味)the power of darkness 黑暗的力量

  1. Candy told me that she used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness.


  take up doing sth.的用法如下:


e.g: The scientist has taken up a new subject. 这位科学家开始研究一个新的课题。


e.g: I'm sorry I've already taken up so much of your valuable time.对不起,我占了你这么多宝贵时间。

  1. deal ( dealt, dealt) with = do with 对付,应付,处理

I don’t know how to deal with these bad children. = I don’t know what to do with these bad children.

  shyness  --  -ness 为名词后缀,加在形容词之后  e.g: happiness   darkness   kindness

  1. I interviewed 19-year-old Asian pop star Candy Wang.

interview ① v. interview sb. 采访某人   ② n.(c) an interview about his life

interviewer n. 采访者    interviewee n. 采访对象

  1. As she got better, she dared to sing in front of her class. 随着她好转,她敢于在全班同学面前唱歌。

① dare在这里作实义动词,意为“敢于,胆敢”可以有各种词形变化,可用于各类句型(肯定句,否定句,疑问句及各类从句等),其后多接不定式。[dare (not) to do]

e.g: We must dare to think, speak and act. 我们必须敢想,敢说,敢做。

I wonder how he dares to say such things? 我纳闷他怎么敢说出这样的话来。

② dare 也可以用作情态动词,意思是“敢”,其后接动词原形,通常只用于否定句疑问句以及if 或whether 之后,一般不用于肯定句(dare作情态动词时,其否定式为 daren’t。)

e.g: Dare you tell her the truth? 你敢告诉她事实真相吗?

I daren’t ask her for a rise. 我不敢要求她加薪。

  1. Now she’s not shy anymore and loves singing in front of crowds. 她不害羞了,也喜欢在观众面前唱歌。

crowd n. ① 人群[C]  There was a crowd of people in front of the town hall. 市政大厅前有一群人。

一堆,许多[C] A crowd of magazines and papers are on the desk. 桌上有一堆杂志和报纸。

  1. 挤满 e.g. A lot of questions crowded in my brain just now. 刚才我脑子里装满了问题。

crowded adj. 拥挤的     uncrowded adj.不拥挤的

  1. Only a very small number of people make it to the top.只有很少一部分人能达到成功的顶峰。

make it 是英语口语中十分有用的一个习语,表示 “成功做到某事”

You will make it if you try. 你会成功的,如果你努力的话。

The train leaves in five minutes—we’ll never make it. 火车再有五分钟就开了—我们绝对赶不上了。

  1. appearance   n. 外表,外貌 / 出现       v. appear 出现disappear v. 消失

   e.g. There are lots of changes in his appearance. 他长变了很多。

Several new products have recently appeared on the market. 几种新产品最近开始在市场上销售。

  1. Many times I thought about giving up, I fought on.很多时候我想过放弃,但我一直战斗。

   on ad. 表 “继续,进行”    e.g. Walk on, please. 请继续走。

To go on, you need good sleep. 要继续,你们需要好的睡眠。

  1. You really require a lot of talent and hard work to succeed. 你确实需要大量的天分和努力成功。

   This job requires strength. (体力)   (require sth.

The required us to help them. 他们要求我们帮他们。(require sb. to do sth.

She required that I (should) go at once. 她要求我立刻去。(require that sb. (should) do [虚拟语气]


Section B

  1. 一. 重要短语
  2. a normal boy from the countryside 一个来自于乡下的普通男孩
  3. have difficulties in school 在校有困难 3. cause problems 惹麻烦
  4. be/ become less interested in studying 对学习更不感兴趣
  5. miss his parents so much 非常想念他的父母亲
  6. become less interested in studying 变得对学习更不感兴趣
  7. be absent from classes 缺课 8. fail one’s examinations 考试失败
  8. send him to a boarding school 送他去寄宿制学校
  9. take a 24-hour train and a 5-hour bus ride 坐24小时的火车和5小时的公共汽车
  10. have more communication with sb 和某人有更多的交流
  11. become active in many other activities 在很多其他的活动上很积极 13. fight on 继续战斗


  1. 二. 知识讲解
  2. He seldom caused any problems.

  seldom ad. 很少 (表示否定意义,还包括 never, little, few, hardly等) e.g: He seldom drives to school.

2.Sometimes he was absent from classes and failed the examinations. 有时他旷课并且考试不及格。

absent adj. 缺席的     present adj. 出席的;在场的

absence n. (u) 缺席     be absent from还可表示“缺少”“没有”“无”。

e.g: Love was totally absent from his childhood. 他童年时代没受到丝毫的疼爱。

② fail v.      failure n. 失败

fail to do sth. 做某事失败    fail (in) sth. 在某事(某方面)失败

 exam n. 考试, 如school exam 

examination n. a.考试 (此时=exam)   b.检查,如medical examination 医疗检查 

(语气上 exam, test比较口语, examination比较正式)

  1. She advised them to talk with their son in person 她建议他们亲自跟他们的儿子谈。

in person 表示亲自,面对面 ,相当于by oneself , face to face

You had better go and speak to him in person.你最好亲自去跟他谈。

  1. take pride in = be proud of 后可接sb./ sth./ doing sth.

  pride n.(u) 骄傲;自豪    proud adj. 自豪的;骄傲的

  1. Li Wen’s unhappiness began to influence his school work. 李文的不快乐开始影响他的学业。

  influence n. 影响,作用。常与on 连用。have an influence on...对……有影响

  The influence of climate on crops is very clear. 气候对农作物的影响是非常明显的。

  influence vt. 影响,感化,左右

 I don’t want to influence you. You must decide for yourself.


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月4日21:59:44
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