


Section A


  1. get some magazines/stamps买些杂志/邮票2.a pair of shoes 一双鞋
  2. ask for the information about the town 询问关于这个小镇的消息
  3. pass (by) a bookstore = go past/by a bookstore 走过一家书店

5.beside the back = next to/ at the side of the bank 在银行旁边

  1. go to the second floor 去二楼7. get some postcards 买一些卡片     8. try the rides 尝试些乘骑项目
  2. go on sth继续某事10.be excited to do sth兴奋地做某事   be excited about sth/doing sth.
  3. start with = begin with 以...开始end with 以…结束12. hold my hand 抓住我的手
  4. come on 加油;得了吧14. walk up to 走向     15. go east along 沿着…(向东)走
  5. on one’s way to sp在去某地的路上17. get angry 饿了     18. at the door 在门口
  6. 19.mail a letter 寄封信 the Italian restaurant nearby 附近的意大利餐馆



  1. I was scared first, but shouting did help. 该句话中, “did”的用法是助动词表强调,起加强语气的作用。

同类例句如:I’m not joking, we did go camping last weekend.    The summer holiday does start next Monday.

  1. 英语常见问路/指路表达方式:

1) 问路

Excuse me/Pardon me, where is the nearest post office?

Excuse me, which is the way to the nearest post office?

Excuse me/Pardon me, can/could you (please) tell me the way to the post office?

Excuse me/Pardon me, how can I get to the nearest post office?

Could you please possibly tell me how to get to the library?

Excuse me/Pardon me, do you know if there’s a post office around here?

Would you please tell me if there is a bank nearby?

I wonder +…可加以上所有句型。

2) 回答指路

“距离” It’s over there.     It’s about 180 meters from here.       It’s about 5 minutes’ walk.

“直走” Go (straight) down/ along this street until you see the tall red building.

“转弯” Turn right/left at the first/second crossing/corner/turning

Take the first/second turning on the right/left

“定位” It’s beside/next to/behind/between…and/across from…

常见表达:You can’t miss it.     You can take bus No. 10   Sorry, I don’t know. I’m a stranger here. / I’m new here.



  1. Sure, just go along Main Street until you passCenter Street. (P17)(pass–passed–passed)

On their way to …, Alice and He Wei pass by Uncle Bob’s. (p19)

第一句话中 “pass”指从这条街上走过;第二句中的 “pass by” 意为从这家店的旁边经过。

1) passvt.“通过;走过”

  1. The road was so narrow that cars were unable to pass.路太窄,汽车无法通过。

“传递”pass (sth) to sb = pass sbsth

  1. Pass that book over to me. = Pass me over that book. 把那本书递过来给我。


  1. Six months passed and we still had no news of them. 半年了,他们了无音讯。

2) pass by (sb/sth) =go past“通过,经过 (…旁边)

  1. The soldiers passed right by my front door. 士兵们正好从我家前门经过。


  1. Do you know when the bookstore closestoday?(P17)

Is the Italian restaurant nearbyopen on Monday? (P20)

1) close与open

closevt关闭   closed adj. 关闭的openvt打开open adj. 开着的

  1. Please keep the door closed. If you need, you can keep the windowopen.

2) nearby adj. 附近的 adv. 在附近此处的nearby为副词后置。

比较near与nearby的用法:near有比较级和最高级(nearer, nearest),且可指时间和空间。而nearby一般指空间。

  1. the near future不久的将  a nearby village 附近的村子


  1. Go pastthe bookstore. (P18)

此处 “past”为介词,意为“到另一侧”。

past 1) adj. “过去的;刚结束的;以往的”

  1. in the past years/centuries/ages. 在过去的岁月/世纪/年代

I haven’t seen much of her in the past few weeks. 近几周我很少见到她。

From past experience I think he is probably right. 根据过去的经验…

2) prep. “晚于;在…之后”    half past two 两点半

“到另一侧He just walked straight past us! 他与我们插肩而过。

“多于;超过”eg. Unemployment is now past the 3 million. 失业人数现已超过300万。


  1. This is Fun TimesPark, the biggest amusementpark in our city. (P18)


2) an amusement park 游乐园


amuse vt.“逗某人笑;使某人消遣”

  1. Everyone was amused at/by the story about this dog.They amused themselves by looking at old photographs.


  1. I’m excited to try the rides. (P18)

riden. (C) “乘骑/乘坐”;“乘骑项目”

give sb a ride.  take a ride.   It’s a ten-minute bus-ride.


  1. You don’t need to rush! (P18)

You’re always in a rush to get to school on time. (P24)

rush vt.“迅速移动;急促”

常见用法:rush to sp急促赶去某地 in a rush 急促地 rush to do sth

  1. We’ve got plenty of time, there is no need to rush.

The words came out in a rush. 那些话一股脑儿都出来了。

rush hour. (上下班时的)交通高峰期


  1. The clerk suggeststhey go to the computer museum

suggest  Vt. 建议,提出,暗示



  • suggest/ advise + sth.    都可接名词作宾语
    We suggested / advised a visit to the museum the next day. 我们建议明天去博物馆.
    2) suggest / advise + doing     都可接动名词作宾语
    I suggested / advised putting off the sports meet. 我建议将运动会延期.
    3) suggest / advise + that ...都可接that 宾语从句,从句用(should)+动词原形。
    She suggested / advised that the class meeting (should) not be held on Saturday.

4) advise sb. to do         advise可接动词不定式复合宾语,

suggest sb / one’s doing   suggest  不可接不定式作宾语.
I advised him to give up the foolish idea.

= I suggested his / him giving up the foolish idea. 我建议他放弃那愚蠢的念头.
We advise to start early.   = We suggest our / us starting early. 我们建议早一点出发.


1)suggest + n / doing      接名词或动名词作宾语.
The simple house suggested a modest income. 这简朴的房子表明(房主)收入不高.
2)suggest + that clause     接宾语从句,从句用陈述语气.如:
The decision suggested that he might bring his family. 这决定表明他可把家属带来.


  1. It serves delicious food. (P19)

serve. vt.“(给某人)提供,端上”

1) ~ sth. 提供某物Breakfast is served between 7 and 10 a.m.

2) ~sth to sb = ~ sb(with) sth. 招待某人某物

They served a wonderful meal to more than fifty students.

They served us a wonderful meal.

They were served with a wonderful meal.

3) servant. n(C)仆人service n(U). 服务


  1. Alice and He Wei walk up to a staffat the door. (P19)


We need more staff in the office. 我们办公室需要增加人手。

The staff in the shop are very helpful.这家店的店员很热心。



Section B


  1. the corner of ... 。。。的角落                   2.make polite requests   提出礼貌的请求
  2. similar requests for directions对方向相同的请求 4. know sb. well   了解某人
  3. ask a direct question   问一个直接的问题       5.less polite   不那么礼貌
  4. change the way they speak 改变他们说话的方法 8. Fine Arts Museum 好艺博物馆
  5. the expressions they use他们所使用的表达方式  10.lead in to a request  导入一个请求
  6. a good choice for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做某事是好的选择
  7. an underground parking lot 一个地下停车场



  1. I’ll be comingto your school for ...   我将会到贵校来。。。(干什么)

这句话使用了will + be doing 的表将来的方式。表示自己已很肯定的相信到时自己会正进行这些事,所以说是很肯定,有决心,并带有种许诺的意味,听到得的人可以带有期待。

  1. Could you please possiblytell me the way to the village school.您们有可能告诉我到那所乡村中学的路吗?在这句话中使用了副词possibly增加委婉语气。同学们需要注意它的位置。



  1. inexpensive; uncrowded    

1)im-加在字母m, b, p之前


  1. Where do you need to make polite requests?
  • . Cn.要求; 需要; 所请求的事物; 申请书;

It is my last request. I shall never ask you anything again. 这我最后的请求,再不会向你提要求了

2). vt.(下级对上级的)请求; 请求得到; 索取; 邀请[常接不定式或从句];

  1. request + n.May I request your attention?       请听我说件事好吗?
  2. request + to do

The boy requested to go boating with his schoolmates. 那男孩要求与同学一道去划船。

  1. request sb. to do
    The students requested the teacher to assign less homework during National Day.学生们请求老师们国庆节少留点作业。
  2. request + that clause

The workers requested that their working conditions should be further improved.


  1. Where do you need to makepolite requests?
  • . polite     adj.有礼貌的;客气的;有教养的;文雅的(more polite-the most polite)


It is not polite of you to cut the speaker short.= It is impolite of you to cut the speaker short.


  • . politely       adv.   有礼貌地

Andrew politely turned down the invitation.        安德鲁有礼貌地拒绝了邀请。

  • . politeness       有礼貌; 客气; 文雅; 有礼貌的行为;

A tip is a matter of politeness and shows your appreciation. 文档2



  1. That is because it is a directquestion.

1). direct       adj.直接的;笔直的;坦白的       反义词---indirect

Keep product away from direct sunlight and store in a dry cool place.  置放在不受阳光直射,干燥通风的地方

It also has indirect effects. 文档2          同时这也会带来间接影响。

  • . directly      直接地; 不久,立即; 正好地,恰好地; 坦率地;
  • 反义词---indirectly

He answered me very directly and openly.            他非常坦率地回答了我。


  1. The expressions they use might depend on whomthey are speaking to or how well they knoweach other. 他们所使用的表达方式取决于他们在跟谁说话, 或者是他们相互间有多熟悉。

这句话使用了一个定语从句“they use”和两个宾语从句“whom they are speaking to” 和“ how well they know each other”。 同学们需要注意宾语从句的陈述句语序。

1). know sb. / sth.  well    很了解某人

The more you use the words, the better you know the words. 这些词你用的越多,掌握得越好。

  • . depend on whom they are speaking to


  1. Sometimes we even need to spend time leading in to a request.  有时我们甚至需要花时间引入一个请求。

注意:这个句子中in 和 to 是分开的: lead in + to sth.它的意思是: lead in导入;领进 + to sth.到某事物

The secretary led in Mr. Milton. 秘书领入了弥尔顿先生。

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月5日22:05:34
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