


  1. 通过…by n./pron./doing
  2. 和朋友一起合作                    work with friends
  3. 小组合作                          work with a group
  4. 制作单词卡片                      make word cards
  5. 读教科书                          read the textbook
  6. 读书和报纸                       read books and newspapers
  7. 读英文杂志                       read English magazines
  8. 读完一本书                       finish reading a book
  9. 读你喜欢的东西                   read somethingyou enjoy
  10. 你读得越多,你就越快。           The more you read,the faster you’ll be
  11. 听录音                           listen to tapes
  12. 听对话                           listen to conversations
  13. 听有趣的东西                     listen to something interesting
  14. 看录像带                         watch videos
  15. 练习听力                         practice listening
  16. 向老师寻求帮助                   ask the teacher for help
  17. 为考试学习                       study for a test
  18. 学语法                           learn grammar
  19. 和某人对话                       have conversations with sb.
  20. 和同班同学说英语                 speak English with friends
  21. 用英语                           in English
  22. 大声朗读                         read aloud
  23. 训练发音                         practice pronunciation
  24. 提高我说的技能                   improve my speaking skills
  25. 英语口语                         spoken English
  26. 改进你的发音                     improve your pronunciation
  27. 练习说                           practice speaking
  28. 大声重复出来                     repeat out loud
  29. 学到很多                          learn a lot
  30. 学新单词                         learn new words
  31. 有那种方式                      (in)that way
  32. 有点紧张                         a little nervous
  33. 作报告                           give a report
  34. 听起来太糟糕                     sound too bad
  35. 一个读书很慢的人                 a very slow reader
  36. 抓住主要的思想                   get main ideas
  37. 抓住意思                        get the meaning
  38. 首先                             at first
  39. 一个词一个词                    word by word
  40. 读词群、词组                    read word groups
  41. 尝试猜一个词的意思               try to guess a word’s meaning
  42. 读句子                           read sentences
  43. 耐心些                            be patient
  44. 这需要时间                        It takes time.
  45. 发现做某事……样                 find it +adj. + to do sth.
  46. 语言学习的秘诀                    the secret to language learning
  47. 像…..                             be like
  48. 一场噩梦                          a bad dream
  49. 如此……样以至于……样            so+ adj.+ that 从句
  50. 大部分时间                        most of the time
  51. 害怕做某事                        be afraid to do sth.
  52. 害怕某事的发生                    be afraid of doing
  53. 因为我糟糕的发音                  because of my bad pronunciation
  54. 躲在教科书的后面                  hide behind the textbook
  55. 一天                              one day(过去式或将来时)=someday
  56. 一部叫《玩具总动员》的英文电影    an English movie called Toy Story
  57. 爱上……fall in love with
  58. 其它英文电影                     other English movies
  59. 理解人物说的每句话               understand everything the characters said
  60. 肢体语言                          body language
  61. 他们的面部表情                   the expressions on the their faces
  62. 关键词                           the key words
  63. 也                               as well
  64. 小菜一碟                         It’s a piece of cake.
  65. 自作自受、活该                   It serves you right.
  66. 查字典                           look a word up in a dictionary
  67. 以便于                           so that=in order that
  68. 更好地理解英文电影               have a better understanding of English movies
  69. 看英语节目                      watch English programs
  70. 用英语记笔记                    take notes in English
  71. 有英语记日记                    keep diary in English
  72. 做语法练习                      do grammar exercises
  73. 给某人写电子邮件                write e-mails to sb.
  74. 记句式、句型                     memorize sentence patterns
  75. 用英语词典                       use an English dictionary

Self check

1.有压力     be stressed out        2.每次       each time = every time

3.有考试     have a test           4.养成聪明的学习技巧   develop smart study skills

5.在课堂上    in class             6.在班级里            in the class

7.复习它们    review them         8.某人自己地     on one”s own

9.一点一点    bit by bit            10.立刻,马上     at once

11.为考试准备充分   prepare for a test well   12.担心……        worry about

13.一再、反复、再三      over and over again

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月6日08:36:14
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