


1.take photos 拍照
2.spelling mistake 拼写错误
3.find out 查明;弄清
4.come from/be from 来自
5.lose one’s way 迷路
6.come out 出版
7.think about 思考;思索
8.think of 认为 What do you think of?
9.be good at/do well in 擅长于
10.be good for 对``有好处
11.be good with 善于应对;相处融洽
12.be good to 某人对某人很好
13.help sb (to)do sth 帮助做``
14.help sb with 帮助某人在```
15.help oneself to 随便吃``
16.ask sb (not)to do 要求``(不)做某事
17.ask s about sth 询问关于``
18.go over 仔细检查
19.let sb (not)do 让``做``
20.get up 起床
21.get to 到达
22.watch out 小心
23.take off 脱下 起飞
24.take after (外貌/行为)像
25.buy sb sth/buy sth for sb 购买
26.sell out 售空 卖光
27.on sale 廉价出售
28.be late for 迟到
29.be busy doing 忙于``
30.in one’s spare time 在空闲时间
31.have fun/enjoy oneself 玩得愉快
32.fall in love with 爱上
33.too much+不可数n

much too +adj

34.a piece of cake 小意思
35. it take ``to do

spend doing

pay for




1.brush teeth 刷牙
2.live a better life 过上更好的生活
3.make a noise 制造噪音
4.tell sb not to do 告诉某人不要做某事
5.write down 写下
6.write to 写信给``
7.make sure 确保
8.teach sb to do sth 教某人做``
9.run out of 用光
10.live on 以``为食
11.make a living 谋生
12.leave for 出发去``
13.as usual 通常寻常
14.come true 实现
15.on one’s way home 在``回家的路上
16.go swimming 游泳
17.show up 出现 赶到
18.show off 炫耀
19.work out 算出
20.clean up 打扫干净
21.ride a bike 骑自行车
22.dream of 梦想做``
23.give sb a hand 帮助某人
24.take care of 照顾
25 dress oneself 自己穿衣
26.put on 穿上
27.be afraid of 害怕
28.arrive in/at 到达
29.bring out 使显现
30.feel like doing 想要做某事
31.keep away from 避免接近
32.keep in touch with 保持联系
33.learn to do 学着做某事
34.forget to do

forget doing



35.cut down 砍倒
36.cut up 切碎
37.use up 用光 用尽
38.keep quiet 保持安静
39.be strict with 对``很严格
40.fight against 与``作斗争
41.fight for 为``而战
42.fall asleep 进入梦乡
43.go shopping 去购物
44.pay a visit 拜访
45.sit down 坐下
46.put out 扑灭
47.put off 推迟
48.put up 张贴 挂起
49.pay attention to 注意
50.in front of 在``前面
51.blow out 吹灭
52.grow up 成长
53.hear from 收到来信
54.hear of 听说
55.wake up 把``叫醒
56.be different from 与``不同
57.be surprised at 对``感到惊讶
58.to one‘s surprise 令某人惊讶的是
59.worry about/be worried about 担心
60.the answer to/the key to ``对答案
61.fail to do 失败```
62.a number of 大量+可数
63. the number of ``的数量
64.sound like 听起来像



1.keep/stay healthy 保持健康
2.be hungry for 渴望``
3.make a decision 做决定
4.decide to do 决定``
5.build up 建立
6.it’s no wonder than 难怪
7.wait for 等候
8.die down 逐渐消失
9.try on 试穿
10.try to do 努力```
11.try doing 试图做``
12.try one’s best 尽最大的努力``
13.seem to do 似乎``
14.be talented in 在``有天赋
15.care about 关心 在意
16.take care of 照顾 处理
17.keep in touch 保持联系
18.break out 爆发
19.break down 出故障
20.make a choice 选择
21.choose to do 选择做``
22.give away 赠送
23.give up 放弃
24.give in 屈服
25.close to 几乎 接近
26.be similar to 与``类似
27.laugh at 嘲笑
28.take action 采取行动
29.be different from 与``不同
30.be up to 由``决定;取决于
31.have ``in common 在`方面相同
32.be good with 与``相处融洽;擅于处理
33.either ``or 要么``要么``
34.neither ``nor 既不``也不``
35.give sb sth/give sth to sb 给某人某物
36.offer sb sth/offer sth to sb 自愿给予``
37.provide sb with sth/

provide sth for sb

38.succeed in doing 成功做``
39.play the violin 拉小提琴
40.in person 亲自
41.stand for 代表
42.stand up 起立
43.expect to do 期待``
44.get lost 迷路
45.send out 分发
46.be able to do 能够做``
47.plan to do/make a plan to do 制订计划
48.hope to do 希望做``
49.one one’s own 靠某人自己
50.grow up 成长
51.find out 查明
52.take up 开始从事
53.dress up 装扮
54.write down 写下 记录下
55.come out 出版
56.take one‘s place 代替``的地位
57.allow sb to do 允许``做``
58.make sure 确保
59.come over 顺便来访
60.make up 编造
61.mind doing 介意``
62.keep in mind 记住``
63.make up one’s mind to do 下决心做``
64.stand doing 忍受```
65.promise to do 承诺做``
66.happen to do 碰巧做``
67.take place 举办;发生
68.be famous for 因``而出名
69.be famous as 作为``而出名
70.be famous to 为``(人)熟知
71.not only ``but also`` 不仅``而且(就近原则)
72.be full of/be filled with 充满``
73.in danger 处于危险之中
74.believe in 信任 信赖``
75.agree with 同意某人的观点
76.agree to do sth 同意做``
77.fall asleep 进入梦乡
78.fall down 突然倒下
79.shake hands with 与``握手
80.mix ``with`` 将``与``混合
81.turn on 打开
82.turn off 关闭
83.turn down 调低;拒绝
84.turn up 调高;露面
82.cut up 切碎
83.wake up 醒来
84.pour into 把``倒进``
85.cover``with 用``覆盖
86. put off 推迟
87.put on 穿上``;体重增加
88.it’s ``time to do 该做``的时间了
89.have/take exams 参加考试
90.be angry with 对``生气
91.advise sb to do 建议``做``
92.take one’s advice 听``对建议
93.prepare for`` 为``做准备
94.hang out 闲逛
95.catch up with 赶上``
96.invite sb to do 邀请``做``
97.reply to 回答
98.make mistakes 犯错
99.look forward to doing 期待``
100.take care of 照顾;照料
101.hear from 接到信/电话
102.take a trip 去旅行
103.have a good time/enjoy oneself 玩得开心
104.prepare for 为``做准备
105.hear of 听说
106.in advance 提前
107.depend on 取决于
108.place of interest 名胜古迹



1.have a stomachache 胃痛
2.on foot 步行
3.lie down 躺下
4.get hurt 受伤
5.cheer up 使``变得高兴
6.be satisfied with 对``满意
7.imagine doing 想象做``
8.leave sb alone 不管某人;让``一个人待着
9.change one’s mind 改变主意
10.all kinds of 各种各样的``
11.cpme up with 想出``提出``
12.raise money 筹钱
13.leave for 离开到``
14.give away 捐赠
15.give out 分发=hand out
16.give off 释放
17.give up 放弃
18.used to do 过去常常
19.be/get used to doing 习惯于
20.be used to do

be used for doing

21.instead of 代替,而不是``
22.in time 按时
23.on time 准时
24.keep in goof health 保持健康
25.make friends 交朋友
26.in a mess 杂乱地
27.sweep the floor 扫地
28.throw away 扔掉 抛弃
29.lend sb sth/lend sth to sb 将某物借给某人
30.depend on 依靠;取决于
31.drop out 退学 辍学
32.drop by 顺便来访
33.communicate with 与``交流
34.argue with 与``争吵
35.complete with 比赛 竞争
36.as usual 像往常一样
37.look through 快速浏览
38.work out 解决;成功的发展
39.get on well with 和睦相处;关系良好
40.be angry with 生``对气
41.in order to 为了
42.as a result 结果
43.allow sb to do

allow doing

44.depend on 依赖;取决于
45.keep silence 保持沉默
46.in silence 沉默;无声
47.begin to do/doing 开始做``
48.at the beginning of 在``的开始
49.lead to 导致
50.be weak in 在``方面做得不好
51.it is reported that 据报道
52.go off (闹钟)发出响声
53.die down 逐渐变弱
54.take down 记录;拆除;往下拽
55.turn into 变成
56.make sure 确保;确信
57.pass by 路过
58.come out 出版 发表
59.instead of 代替;反而
60.pick up 捡起;载某人一程
61.put up 张贴;搭建
62.show up 出席;露面
63.show off 炫耀
64.fall in love with 爱上
65.fall behind 落后
66.remind ``of 让某人想起
67.remind ``to do 提醒某人做``
68.marry sb

get married to

69.make a noise 制造噪音
70.succeed in doing 成功做``
71protect sb from doing 保护``免受``
72.acheive one’s goal/dream 实现``梦想
73.lose weight 减肥
74.hurry up 赶快; 急忙
75.in a hurry 充满地
76.wake up 醒来
77.introduce `to 介绍``给``
78.laugh at 嘲笑
79.take in 吸入;吞入
80.grow up 成长
81.belong to 属于
82.in memory of 纪念
83.in peace 和平
84.encourage sb to do 鼓励``
85.consider doing 考虑做``
86.take``into consideration 考虑到某事
87.hold on 坚持;不挂电话
88.to be honest 说实话
89.hear of 听说
90.make progress 取得进步
91.far away from 离``远
92.according to 根据
93.close to 几乎;接近
94.have been to 去过``(人回)
95.have gone to 去了``(人未回)
96.have been in 待在``
97.be full of/be filled with 充满
98.put away

put out

put off

put on

put up






99.give out

give off

give away

give up

give in

分发=hand out







1.connect``with 把``和``联系起来
2.lay out 摆弄;布置
3.lie down 躺下
4.take an active part in 积极参加
5.be patient with 对``有耐心
6.look up 查阅;抬头看
7.be born with 天生具有
8.have conversation with 与某人交谈
9.have``in common 有``共同之处
10.learn from 从``中学习
11.the secret to ``对秘诀
12.pay attention to doing 注意做某事
13.be afraid to do/of doing 害怕``
14.eat out 出去吃饭
15.play a trick on 捉弄某人
16.give sb a treat 招待某人
17.care about 关心;在意
18.end up doing 最终成为
19.refuse to do 拒绝做``
20.decide to do 决定``
21.promise to do 承诺``
22.on one’s right/left 在``左边/右边
23.go past 经过
24.pass by 路过;经过
25.on one’s way to 在去``对路上
26.in a rush 忙着``
27.spend``(in)doing 花费``
28.mail a letter 寄信
29.hear from 收到来信
30.do well in 擅长于
31.take up 开始从事;学习
32.from time to time 时常;有时
33.not``anymore 不再``
34.the road to success 成功之路
35.fight on 继续战斗
36.in public 公开地;在别人面前
37.be absent from 缺席``
38.in person 亲自
39.take pride in/be proud of 以``为骄傲
40.be there for sb 随叫随到
41.dare to do 敢于做``
42.advise sb to do 建议某人``
43.be made of/from 由``制成
44.be made in 在``(地方/时间)制成
45.be known for 以``闻名
46.by hand 用手工
47.no matter 无论
48.even though 即使;虽然
49.go on a vacation to 去``度假
50.send out 发送
51.be covered with 用``覆盖
52.fairy tale 童话故事
53.at a very high heat 在高温下
54.be used for doing 被用于``
55.avoid doing 避免做``
56.deal with 处理
57.take up 开始从事
58.depend on 依靠;依赖
59.national spirit 国家精神
60.be pleased with 对``满意
61.with pleasure 非常乐意
62.ring sb up 给某人打电话
63.all of a sudden 突然
64.without doubt 毫无疑问
65.be known as 以``闻名
66.in style 时髦的
67.out of style 不时尚的
68.take place 发生;举办
69.make a noise 制造噪音
70.manage to do sth 设法完成``
71.choose to do 选择做``
72.make a choice 做出选择
73.lead to 导致
74.regret to do 遗憾做某事
75.regret doing 后悔做过某事
76.talk back to 回嘴``
77.pick up 捡起;接``电话;载`一程
78.point out 指出
79.belong to 属于
80.communicate with 与``交流
81.stay away from 避免接近``;远离
82.be late for 迟到`
83.shut off 关闭;停止运转
84.be worth doing 值得```
85.stick to 坚持``
86.in total 总共
87.make sb feel at home 使``感到宾至如归
88.clean off 把``擦掉
89.drop by 顺便来访
90.take off 脱下;起飞
91.sound like 听起来像
92.hold out 伸出
93.be/get used to doing 习惯于
94.be excited about 对``感到兴奋
95.come into power 当权 上台
96.take/have an examination 参加考试
97.lost weight 减肥
98.put on weight 增重
99.agree with sb 同意``
100.agree to do sth 同意做``
101.show up 赶到;露面
102.leave out 忽略;不提及
103.sell out 卖光
104.go off 发出响声
105.stare at 盯着
106.run out of 用光
107.keep eyes on 留心;注意
108.let``down 使``失望
109.play jokes on 开``的玩笑
110.to one’s surprise 使``惊讶的是``
111.do harmful to

be harmful for/to

112.believe in 信任;信赖
113.set out 出发;启程
114.throw away 扔掉
115.pull down 拆下;摧毁
116.pay for 付费;付出``
117.bring back 恢复;使想起
118.make a difference 影响;起作用
119.put sth into good use 充分利用
120.be responsible for 对``负责
121.be patient with 对``有耐心
122.at the bottom of 在``底端


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