

8B  重点单词讲解


Unit 1

  1. raise 筹募= collect money, bring money together; v.升起;增加;提高= increase;
  2. 举起= put up; v.抚养= bring sb. up.  raise one’s hand  = put up one’s hand                          =  lift one’s hand举手; raise sth = make sth higher = make sth. increase 提高;

raise one’s spirits 使振奋;使鼓起勇气 =make sb. more cheerful=cheer sb. up

  1. permission n. 准许,批准= the act of allowing sb. to do sth;   permit   v.准许

permit sb. to do sth. = allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事; permit doing sth. 允许做某事; permit --- permitted ---- permitted; 没有某人的准许: without (one’s) permission

报请批准:   ask permission to do

  1. disabled adj. 丧失劳动能力的 =unable to do or learn sth. easily because of illness or injury;  disable  vt. 使失去能力;使残废;使无资格;   able   adj. 能够的

unable: 没有能力的;    the disabled    残疾人

  1. teenager ( teen ) n.青少年= a person between 13 and 19 years old; teenage adj.青少年的
  2. offer v. 主动提出 =provide or supply something ;  主动提出做某事: offer to do sth.

offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. (主动给某人某物)= give sb. sth. / give sth. to sb.

provide sb with sth/ provide sth for sb./supply sb with sth./ supply sth for sb.给sb提供某物

  1. suffer v.(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦,受难,受折磨= to experience physical or mental pain;    sufferer   n. 患者;受害者; suffer from sth. 患某种病
  2. serious  adj. 严重的= bad and dangerous;  adj. 认真的、严肃的、庄重的; seriously adv.=badly;   对某事是认真的be serious about sth. ;  认真对待:take sth. seriously
  3. illness n. 病 = disease, sickness;   ill  adj.  fall ill 病倒了; feel ill 感觉不舒服、生病了;   speak ill of sb. 说某人的短处
  4. organize v. 组织,筹备=arrange, plan;  organizer  n. 组织者organization  n. 组织
  5. express  v. 表达;表露=to show or make known a feeling, an opinion, etc. by words,  looks or actions ; expression n. 表达;表情; 习惯用语(常用复数); express one’s feelings    表达自己的感受
  6. pain n. 痛苦,苦恼 pains ( pl. ) 辛苦、努力; painful  adj. 痛苦的; painless adj. 无痛的
  7. lonely adj.  ( lonelier, loneliest ) 孤独的; alone:  独自
  8. friendship 友情; friendly adj. 友好的;  friend n. 朋友; be friendly to 对…. 友好
  9. difficulty n.困难; = a problem, trouble.  复数:difficulties;  difficult adj. be in difficulty  处于困难中;  have difficulty (in) doing sth. = have trouble doing sth.;in front of difficulties 在困难面前
  10. joy n. 愉快;喜悦= happiness, pleasure; joyful adj. 高兴的,快乐的;  joyless adj.不高兴的,不快乐的;  joyfully   adv.高兴地,喜悦地; to one’s joy  令人开心的
  11. peace 安静、平静; n. 和平; peaceful adj.  in peace 和平地;安静,宁静;安祥地
  12. hurt v. 使…疼痛,使受伤; hurt– hurt ---hurt; 受伤:get / be hurt; 身体伤得严重:be badly hurt;  hurt  adj. 受伤的
  13. courage n. 勇气;  encourage  v.  鼓励 ; encourage sb. to do sth 鼓励某人做某事

有勇气做sth: have the courage to do sth

  1. spirit  n精神、心灵;(pl.)   情绪、心境 ; in high/ low/ poor spirits 情绪高/ 情绪低
  2. pay 付费 pay- paid- paid ; sb. spend … on sth.;   Sb. spend in doing sth./sth. cost sb. some money… /It takes sb. some time to do sth./ sb. pay some money for sth.
  3. in  need  (需要); be in need (of sth.) 需要某物


unit 2

  1. language 语言 body language 肢体语言; spoken English 口语; foreign language 外语
  2. communication 交流;交际 ;  communicate  v. 交流,交际 ; 与某人交流 :

communicate with sb. = talk to sb. communicate with sb. by sth.通过某种方式与某人交流

  1. accept 接受(建议,邀请等)= to agree to take something ; acceptable adj. 可接受的;  反义词 : refuse 拒绝
  2. reject 拒绝接受,不予考虑= refuse ;   reject/refuse sth./sb.;   refuse to do sth.
  3. meaning 意义;意思; meaningful adj. 有意义的 ; mean v. 意味着(meant-meant) ;

mean doing sth.意味着做某事; mean to do sth打算做某事; what’s the meaning of ..的意思是

  1. message(书面或口头的)信息,消息 = text/news/ information ; leave a message  留言; send a message  发信息
  2. bored(对某人/某物)厌倦的,烦闷的= feeling tired and unhappy;  boring  adj.令人厌烦的, 无趣的 ; bore  v.使…厌烦; be bored with sth. = be tired of sth.对…感到厌烦
  3. part-time 兼职的 ; full-time adj. 全职的
  4. well-dressed 衣着入时的;穿着讲 究的= wearing nice clothes ; get dressed:穿好了衣服 ;  be dressed in:穿…的衣服
  5. matter (询问某人情况)怎么了,事情= thing, problem; matter  v. 有关系,要紧; What’s the matter? =what’s wrong?=what’s the trouble?= What happened?怎么了? What does it matter?与…有关;It doesn’t matter. 没关系; as a matter of fact 事实上= in fact
  6. expression  n. 表情;神色= the look on one’s face; express  v. 表达 ;愤怒的表情: angry expression    忧虑的表情:  worried expression
  7. appearance n. 外貌;外表/ 出现= the way sb./sth. looks; appear v. 出现= show up; disappear  v. 消失;  judge a person by his appearance以貌取人
  8. impression 印象 ;impress  v. 使…有印象; impressive   adj. 使人印象深刻的;make/leave a good/deep impression on sb… 给…留下好的/深的印象= give sb. a good/deep impression  给…留下好印象 ; be  impressive at / with sb./ sth  对…印象深刻;What’s your impression of… 你对…的印象如何?
  9. hold 使保持(在某位置) =  keep sth. in a place; v. 举办  = organize;hold--held—held;hold on  坚持,不要挂电话; hold up one’s head  昂起头,感到骄傲 ; hold  v. 举办 =  organize ;举办会议 hold a meeting
  10. later; 以后,后来;minutes later = a few moments later;cross;v. 使交叉;使交叠; crossing n. 十字路口;across  prep.  穿过;go across穿过;过马路: cross the road;跷二郎腿cross one’s legs
  11. nod 点头,打盹;nod off 打盹,睡着; 过去式:nodded; 现在分词: nodding

反义词:shake; nod one’s head 点头;nod at/to sb. 朝某人点头

  1. shake 与某人握手,摇头 (shake , shook, shaken) ;shake one’s head 摇头

shake hands with sb. 与某人握手

  1. sure 确信;确定 ;be sure to do  务必做某事;be sure of sth. 对某事有把握;make sure that +句子 确保,确定
  2. take place发生=happen
  3. remind   v提醒= to help sb. remember;reminder n. 提醒物;remind sb about/of sth 提醒sb某事;remind sb to do sth 提醒sb做sth;remind sb that+句子 提醒sb某事



unit 3


  1. description 说明;形容 ;描述;  describe v. 描述;形容=say what sth. is like= give a picture of sth. in words; 向某人某描述某事; describe  sth. to/ for sb.
  2. although 虽然;尽管= though; although/though 能与but同时出现。
  3. fit 健康的;健壮的=healthy and strong; v. 适合= suit ;  fitness  n. 健康; 适合 ; keep fit 保持健康;保持身材; 适合某人 be fit for sb.;  适合做sth :be fit to do sth
  4. dive 下潜; diver  n. 潜水员 ; diving  adj. 潜水的;dive down  下潜 ;         dive into  跳进/水; go diving  去潜水
  5. ready 准备好的 = prepared;be ready for sth为某事做好了准备;be ready to do sth为做某事做好了准备;get ready for sth 为某事去准备;get ready to do sth 为做某事去准备
  6. reach 到达=get to sw.=arrive at /in sw.;
  7. attract 吸引=make sb. interested in…;  attraction n.  吸引力、景点;  attractive  adj. 有吸引力的;  be attracted by… 被…吸引= be interested in; 吸引某人注意: attract one’s attention; 吸引兴趣: attract one’s interest
  8. hang 悬挂;吊 (hung-hung) ;  v. 绞死 (hanged-hanged); hang about 闲逛; hang on; 不挂断电话;  hang up 挂断电话
  9. require 需要;要求=need; requirement;n. 必需品;要求 ; 需要某物       require sth.  需要被做… require doing=require to be done; 要求某人做某事  require  sb. to do sth.;  需要某物做sth require sth to do sth
  10. practice 从事= work as;  v. 练习 (practice n. 练习) ; practise as = work as 从事 ; practise doing sth 练习做某事; 从事鸬鹚捕鱼的工作: practise cormorant fishing
  11. health 健康; healthy adj. 健康的=well; healthily  adv. 健康地 ;live a healthy life=live healthily   健康地活着; be good/bad for health  有益/害健康;keep healthy 保持健康 ; 健康状况良好/不佳: be in good/bad health
  12. luck; 幸运;运气; lucky adj. 幸运的= fortunate ;  luckily   adv. 幸运地;辛运的是=fortunately; unlucky adj.不幸的 ; unluckily  adv. 不幸地; good luck 祝你好运; 很幸运做某事 be lucky to do sth
  13. peace 宁静;平静; n. 和平; peaceful   adj. 平静的;和平的;in peace 和平地 ; live in peace with sb. 与某人和睦相处
  14. simple 简单的; 容易的= easy; simply adv. 简单地; 容易地; live a simple life过着朴素的生活
  15. up to 到达(某数量、程度等);至多有;
  16. set off 出发;动身=set out= start the journey;set off for =leave for= go to sw.动身前往…;出发去…;  set up创建
  17. up and down 起伏;上下波动;上上下下;  after dark 天黑后;黄昏后
  18. no more 不再;再也不=not… any more=no longer=not…any longer






unit 4


1.warning  n警告;警示, 可数名词

动词 warn     过去式warned       过去分词 warned      现在分词warning

常见用法: warn sb of\ about sth 警告某人某物

warn sb. not to do sth. 警告某人做(不做)某事

warn sb against doing sth 警告某人不要做某事

  1.  thought  n. 心思;思想;想法    可数名词

动词think     过去式thought     过去分词thought     名词thinker(思想家)

形容词 thoughtful (沉思的、深思的)          thoughtless(粗心大意的)

….the thought of sth\doing sth.做…的想法

without a second thought不假思索

think of  认为、想一想、想出   think about 考虑    think over 慎重思考

think of sb./sth. as sb.\sth 把…看作…

3.record   v录制;录音  n 纪录;记录

创造纪录make a record   打破纪录break a record    保持…的纪录hold the record of…

  1. pleasant  adj. 友好的;和善的;令人愉快的    同义词kind and friendly

名词pleasure(愉快、快乐)         动词 please(使满意、使愉快)

pleased   adj. 高兴的;满意的          同义词satisfied

pleasing  adj. 令人高兴的;令人满意的     a pleasing effect令人满意的效果

对…感到满意 be pleased with =be satisfied with

乐于做某事 be pleased to do

  1. appear  v. 出现;显得;看来;似乎  反义词disappear消失


appear (to be) + adj./n 似乎…  appear to do sth 似乎…        It appears that…看起来…

  1. match  v. 与…….相配 三单matches      过去式matched     过去分词matched

match sb.\ sth. to\with sb.\sth. 将… 和… 相配

match   n. 竞赛;比赛, 火柴 ,可数名词, 复数matches

  1.  score  v. 得分  n. 得分、比分    高分a high score    低分a low score
  2. separately  adv. 单独地、分别地    separate adj. 单独的、独立的

separate  v. (使)分开、分离            separate A from B 将A和B 分离

  1. rough:  not exact or not including all details

make a rough sketch of … 画… 的草图

  1. basic   adj. 基本的、基础的    be basic to sth. 对…是基本的

basically adv. 基本上、总的来说









unit 5


  1. endangered 濒危的   endanger   v. 使遭受危险

danger  n.危险  = the possibility that sb. May be harmed or killed

处于(巨大) 危险中be in (great) danger     脱离危险 be out of danger

对…来说是危害 be a danger to

dangerous  adj.危险的

  1. giant 巨大的 = large   大熊:giant pandas
  2. obligation 义务,责任 = duty
  3. wild 自然环境;野生状态  adj. 野生的在野外 in the wild
  4. adult 成年动物; 成年人    adj. 成年的= fully-grown
  5. weight 重量       增肥 put on weight     减肥  lose weight

询问重量: What is the weight of …?

weigh   v. 称重      weightless  adj. 失重的

体重的表达: She weighs 50 kilograms. = She is 50 kilograms in weight.

  1. population 人口

人口: have a large population    人口: have a small population


询问人口: What is the population of…?

           = How many people are there in …?

= How large is the population of …?

  1. behaviour 活动方式    behavev. 举动,表现    守规矩: behave oneself
  2. birth 出生    出生时:at birth    生…: give birth to   生日: birthday

出生: be born (be 动词常用过去式)

  1. central在中央的   centre/centern. 中心,中央

在中国的中部: in Central China = in the centre of China

  1. cruel 残忍的  cruellyadv. 残忍地   cruelty  n. 残忍

做……是残忍的 it is cruel of … to do     对……残忍 be cruel to

  1. organization 组织    organizer  n. 组织者

organize (=hold)  v. 组织  (过去式 organized 过去分词organized 现在分词organizing )

The organizer of this organization has organized this voluntary activity.

  1. Asian 亚洲的; 亚洲人的  n.亚洲人   Asia  n. 亚洲
  2. face   面对;面临(过去式 faced   过去分词faced   现在分词 facing )    n. 脸部 

做鬼脸 make faces  面对面 face to face  丢脸 lose face








unit 6


  1. respond  v.回答;回应response  n.回答;回应

  respond to sb. 回应某人   respond to sth.  对某事做出回应


  1. complaint  n.投诉;抱怨complain  v.投诉;抱怨

  make a complaint (to sb.) about sth. =complain (to sb.) about sth. 向某人抱怨某事

  1. 3.cause  v.造成;引起原因;理由  the cause of….的原因


  1. reason  n.理由;原因the reasonfor….的原因


  1. 5. feed (=give food to sb.)喂食喂养fed (过去式)  fed (过去分词)

  feed sb/sth on sth=feed sth to sb/sth 给…喂食….


  1. responsibility  n.责任;义务responsible  adj.有责任的

have responsibility for sb./sth.  对…..负有责任=be responsible for sb./sth.  对…..负责


  1. faithfully  adv.忠诚地;忠实地   faith  n.信念faithful  adj.忠诚的; 忠实的

be faithful to…  忠诚的


  1. noisy  adj.吵闹的  noise  n.噪音  noisily  adv.吵闹地  make some noise


  1. until  conj.直到为止not…..until 直到…才


  1. 10. common  adj.普通的;常见的;通常的commonly  adv.一般地; 通常地

   have sth in common 有共同之处


  1. 11. choice  n.选择make a choice 做出选择

   have no choice but to do sth.  除了…..别无选择

choose  v.选择  chose (过去式)  chosen (过去分词)  


  1. 12.lie  v.;位于lay (过去式)  lain (过去分词)  lying

   lie  v.撒谎   lied (过去式)  lied (过去分词)  lying

lie around  无所事事懒散度日


  1. keep sb from doing sth (=stop sb from doing sth) 阻止某人做某事


  1. die of 死于(内因, 如疾病或衰老)die from 死于 (外因, 如车祸或灾难)


  1. keep on doing sth 继续做某事(=goon doing sth) 


  1. care for=take care of=look after 照顾



  1. unknown  adj.  未知的;known  adj. 已知的,著名的; know -- knew – known  v. 知道; be known for=be famous for因……而出名; be known as =be famous as作为……而出名; (3) be known to “为……所知”
  2. receive 收到=get;  receiver  n. 接受者; receive a letter from sb.   收到某人的信=get a letter from sb.=hear from sb.
  3. loud adj. 响亮的 ;大声的;大声地(听得清楚);Speak louder 说大声点; loudly  adv. (噪音或者喧哗声)大声地
  4. explore v. 探究,探索= to search and discover ; explorer n.探险者; exploration n. 探究
  5. quiet adj. 安静的=silent = don’t make noise; quietly adv.安静地;quietness  n. 安静
  6. damage  v. 毁坏; 破坏= to harm or spoil something;
  7. frightened  adj. 感到害怕的=afraid or anxious; frightening  adj. 令人害怕的;frighten  v. 使…害怕 = scare 使害怕;
  8. discover v. 发现; 找到; 发觉= to find information, a place, or an object, especially for the first time;  discovery  n. 发现
  9. terrible adj. 令人极不快的;可怕的;=very bad / not pleasant =horrible严重的;  terribly  adv. 非常地;很 =very
  10. fear  n. / v.害怕;惧怕;fearful  adj. 担心,焦虑;  fearless  adj. 不怕的,无畏的;  for fear of 唯恐;以免;  with fear带着恐惧地;害怕地; in fear害怕地 = feeling afraid
  11. creature  n. 生物= living things; create  v. 创造;创作; creation  n. 创造;创作;creator  n. 创造者;  creative adj. 有创造性的
  12. wonder 觉得奇怪;想知道= want to know;  wonder  n.  奇迹,奇观; wonderful  adj.极好的 ; 4. It’s no wonder that …. 难怪 ;
  13. line   n.  [C] 线 ; line  v. 排列;line up  排队;  line sb./ sth. up  使站成一队,排成一行
  14. refuse 拒绝=reject = say no to sth;  not accept;  反义: accept;  refuse sth. 拒绝某物;refuse to do sth拒绝做某事; accept sth. 接受某物; accept to do sth. 接受做某事
  15. spread 张开; 伸张; 传播=open … outwards; (spread--spread - spread)
  16. explain 解释;说明;explanation  n. 解释;说明; explain sth. to sb.向某人解释某事; explain oneself  说明自己的意思,为自己的行为辩解
  17. pleased adj. 感到高兴的;感到满意的;=happy=glad= satisfied;  please v. 请/ 使…满意;  pleasant adj. 令人愉快的;  pleasure  n. 快乐= happiness; be pleased to do sth. 很高兴去做某事;  be pleased with sb./sth对…感到高兴/满意; it’s my pleasure 我的荣幸/ 不用谢;  with pleasure 没问题;十分愿意。
  18. Keep quiet 保持安静=be silent
  19. because of 因为 =as a result of;  because of+名词/短语/doing;  because  + 句子
  20. as soon as possible 尽快= as soon as sb can
  21. agree with 同意=have the same opinion as;  反义:disagree with agreement  n. 同意; agree with sb. (同意某人的观点、看法、意见);agree on sth.(经过讨论后达成一致); agree to sth.(同意接受计划、安排等); agree to do sth. 同意做某事



unit 8

1.apology n.道歉= something that you say or write to show that you are sorry

apologize v. 道歉=say sorry

make an apology to sb. 向某人道歉; apologize to sb. 向某人道歉

apologize for sth因某事道歉 apologize to sb. for sth因某事道歉

apologize to sb. for sth/ doing sth. 因某事向某人道歉

  1. excuse n.借口辩解= a reason that you give to explain careless behavior

excuse v.原谅宽恕; excuse for doing sth. 做某事的借口/理由;

excuse sb. for doing sth.原谅某人做某事

  1. 3. present = the time that we are experiencing now

present n.礼物; present adj. 目前的;出席的; present v.出席赠送

at present =now= at the present time = in the present 此刻; 现在

Present sb. with sth= present sth to sb. 赠予某人某物

4.wide =measuring a large distance from one side to the other 宽的;宽阔的 adj.

Widely adv. 广泛地,宽地(指抽象的广度); width n.宽度; widen v. 拓宽;加宽

  1. recently adv. 最近;不久前=in the recent past/not long ago

recent adj. 最近的

6.while conj. 在….期间;当….的时候= during the time that something is happening

While conj. 然而(表示对比); while n. 一会儿

7 prepare v. 使(自己)有准备= to make something ready to be used

prepared  adj. 准备好的;  unprepared adj. 没准备好的

prepare for= be/get ready for 为…..准备好;   be prepared for  准备….

8 certainly adv.无疑肯定; 当然=surely

Certain adj. 当然

9 satisfy v.使满意;使满足 =make sb. pleased or happy

satisfaction n. 满足; satisfied adj. 感到满意的  satisfying adj. 令人满意的

10 relax v.放松休息=have a rest

relaxed adj. 感到放松的; relaxing adj. 令人放松的

relaxation n. 放松

11 recommend v. 推荐    recommendation n. 推荐

12 mix v. 使混合   mix….with….使….与….相混合     mixture n. 混合

13 electronic  adj.电子的电的

electric  adj. 用电的,带电的   electrical   adj. 电的,与电有关的,电气科学的









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