


Unit 1短语

1.play chess   下棋

2.speak English  说英语

3.be good at sth./ doing  擅长于

4.talk to/with sb.      与某人说话

5.join the swimming club 加入游泳俱乐部

6.play basketball打篮球

7.play chess下棋

8.tell stories 讲故事

9.school show 学校表演

10.do kung fu  做功夫

11.show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.     向某人展示某物

  1. play the guitar/the violin/the piano 弹吉他/ 小提琴/钢琴

13.play the drums敲鼓

14.talk (about) sth. with sb. 与某人谈论某物

15.play sth. with sb. 和某人玩…

16.be in + 组织= be a member of+…= join    成为…的一员

17.take part in = join in 参加…活动

18.at the old people’s home 在养老院

19.be free= have time 有空余时间

20.make friends with sb.与某人交朋友

21.call sb. at…  按…号码打给某人

22.help sb. with sth. 帮助某人某物

23.help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事

24.on the weekend = on weekends  在周末

25.teach sb. sth. = teach sth. to sb. 教某人某物

26.school music festival 学校音乐节

27.be good with sb. 擅于应付…的

28.need sth. 需要某物

29.need to do sth. 需要去做某事

30.need sb. to do sth. 需要某人去做某事

31.be busy with sth. / doing sth. 忙于某事/做某事

Unit 2 短语


1.get up early/ late起得早/晚

2.go to school 去上学

3.get dressed穿衣服

4.brush teeth刷牙

5.eat/ have breakfast 吃早饭

6.take/ have a shower洗澡

7.at a radio station在广播电台

8.radio show 电台节目

9.from… to …从…到….

10.at night 在晚上

11.go to work 去上班

12.be late for sth. …迟到

13.on school days 在上学日

14.do exercise = play / do sports = exercise做运动

15.go home/ here/ there 回家/去这儿/去那儿

16.get to = arrive in /at=reach到达

17.do one’s homework做某人的家庭作业

18.clean the room 打扫房间

19.take/have a walk =go for a walk散步

20.go to bed 去睡觉

21.either … or…或者…或者….

22.lots of = a lot of 大量的

23.be good for …对…有好处

24.taste good 尝起来很好

25.half past seven 七点半

26.a quarter to eight 七点四十五

27.make breakfast 做早饭

28.the first class 第一节课

Unit3 短语

1.ride a/the bike to = go to … by bike   骑自行车去

2.take a/the train to=go to  … by train  乘火车去

3.take a/the subway to = go to … by subway  坐地铁

4.walk to = go to … on foot   走路去…

5.How about = What about + doing怎么样?

6.ninety-nine   99

7.one hundred and five  105

8.two hundred  200

9.How long  多久

10.How far多远

11.It takes sb...to do…做… 花费某人多少时间

12.every day  每天

13.the bus ride  公交车程

14.have a good day玩得快乐的一天

15.at school在校

16.drive to...= go to...by car开车去

17.the bus stop 公交车站

18.the train station 火车站

19.the subway station 地铁站

20.think of 认为 ;看待

21.his grandparents’ home 他祖父母的家

22.cross the river 过河

23.for many students  对于很多学生

24.It’s easy to do …做…容易

25.between … and …  在两者之间

26.run quickly  跑得快

27.go on a ropeway to  走索道去

28.an 11-year-old boy  一个11岁的男孩

29.love to do … / love doing  喜欢做…

30.play with us / them和 我们 / 他们一起玩

31.be like      像…一样

32.many of …  … 中的许多

33.It is their dream to do做… 是他们的梦想

34.come true  实现

35.dream of (doing)  梦想做某事…

36.in the village  在村子里

37.have / has to  不得不

38.Thanks for sth . / doing sth . 因为… 感谢

39.leave home  离开家

Unit4 短语

1…迟到   arrive late for/ be late for

2.准时     on time

3.在走廊里 in the hallways

4.在餐厅里in the dining hall

5.听音乐/ 听我说listen to music/me

6.在上课 in class

7....的一些 some of...

8.把…带来 bring...to...

9.音乐播放器 music players

10.不得不,必须 have  to

11.穿校服  wear the school uniform

12.在外面吃 eat outside

13.许多规则 a lot of/lots of/ many rules

14.保持安静 be /keep quiet

15.和某人打架  fight with sb.

16.不必   don’t/doesn’t have to

17.为…外出  go out for

18.练习(做)某事 practice (doing)sth.

19.洗碗  do the dishes

20.做早餐 make breakfast

21.在上学的晚上 on school nights

22.在上学日 on school days

23 每周六 every Saturday

太多 too much/many

26.铺床 make the/one’s bed

27.把某物留在某地方 leave sth sp

28.喧闹的 be noisy

29.放松自己relax oneself

30.读书  read a book/read books

31.在睡觉,卧床 (be) in bed

32.我知道你的感受 I know how you feel.

33.思考,考虑think about

34.对某人严格 be strict with sb.

35.对某事严格 be strict in sth.

36.记得去做某事 remember to do

37.记得做过了某事remember doing

38.遵守规则 follow the rules

39.好运good luck

40.幸运地做某事 be lucky to do

  1. 制定规则make the rules
  2. 留长/ 短发 keep one’s hair long/short

43.让某人/某物保持某种状态 keep sb/sth adj

44.让某人做某事 keep sb doing sth.

45.做...有乐趣 have fun doing

46.学做learn to do sth.



  1. kind of = a little   稍微,有点儿
  2. be from = come from  来自
  3. all day 整天

4.walk on… 用… 行走

  1. like … a lot = like …very much 非常喜欢…

6.be friendly to sb. 对…友好

  1. 7. Let’s do…= Why not do…= Why don’t you do… 咱们做…吧

8 .one of +复数名词   ..中的之一      one of them  …他们中的一个

9.a symbol of…  …的一个标志

10.forget to do… 忘记做…

11.forget doing … 忘记做过…

12.walk for a long time 走很长时间的路

  1. 13. get/ be lost 迷路
  2. 14. a place with water and food 有水和食品的地方
  3. 15. be in danger= be dangerous  处于危险中

16.cut down 砍伐

  1. 17. over 100,000= more than 100,000  十多万
  2. 18. be made of… 由…做成(物理)
  3. 19. be made from…由…做成(化学)

Unit 6 短语


  1. clean the room= do some cleaning 打扫房间
  2. read a newspaper/read newspapers看报纸
  3. talk on the phone (to sb) (给某人)电话聊天
  4. listen to a CD/ the radio  听一张CD/ 收音机
  5. use the computer 用电脑
  6. make soup  做汤;煲汤
  7. wash the dishes = do the dishes  洗餐具
  8. do some exercise 锻炼
  9. go to the movies 去看电影
  10. not much = nothing much没什么事
  11. join sb for sth / join sb. to do sth.与某人一起做某事

12.eat out 出去吃饭  (动态)eat outside 在外面吃 (静态)

  1. I’d love to do… = l’d like to do… (I’d = I would我愿意) 我很乐意做...
  2. See you!=Good bye!  再见
  3. atschool=in the school  在学校
  4. in a swimming pool 在游泳池里
  5. in a supermarket  在超市里
  6. in a library  在一个图书馆里
  7. go shopping = do some shopping = shop 去购物
  8. in the shop = in the store在商店里

21.live with sb  和某人一块住  live in... 居住在...

  1. an American family 一个美国家庭
  2. the Dragon Boat Festival  龙舟节;端午节
  3. make zongzi  包粽子
  4. watch boat races/ football games (on TV) (在电视上)看龙舟比赛/足球比赛
  5. any other+ n.(单数)任何一个其他的...
  6. read a story to sb 给某人读故事
  7. miss one’s family 想念家人
  8. wish/ hope to do sth  希望做某事

30.wish sb. to do … 希望某人做某事

  1. 31. best wishes (to sb.)  最美好的祝福给(某人)

32.like … a lot = like … very much 非常喜欢…  like...best  最喜欢...

  1. in the living room 在客厅里
  2. study for a test 为考试而学习

Unit 7 短语

  1. It rains cats and dogs.下倾盆大雨
  2. It is raining cats and dogs.正在下倾盆大雨

3.a heavy rain 一场大雨

  1. rain heavily 雨下地大
  2. be raining/ snowing 正在下雨、下雪
  3. cook dinner = make dinner 做晚饭
  4. How is it going?最近怎么样?
  5. not bad 不错
  6. sound like+名词听起来像...
  7. have a good/ great time = have fun = enjoy oneself  玩得高兴
  8. take a message for sb 捎口信给某人
  9. tell sb sth = tell sth to sb 告诉某人某事
  10. tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事 tell sb not to do sth 告诉某人不要做某事
  11. call (sb) back 给某人回电话
  12. no problem 没问题;不客气
  13. have problems with sth 在某方面有问题  have problems (in) doing sth  做某事有问题
  14. right now = now 现在
  15. talk on the phone again 又在打电话
  16. the answer to the question 这个问题的答案
  17. in picture d 在图片d中
  18. visit sb 看望某人
  19. visit sp参观某地
  20. in Canada 在加拿大
  21. go to summer school 去上暑期班
  22. learn a lot  学到很多(知识)
  23. sit by the pool 坐在池边
  24. drink orange juice 喝橙汁
  25. see you then/ soon/ next month 到时候见、一会见、下个月见
  26. study hard= work hard 努力学习
  27. have a good time doing sth = have fun doing sth 做某事很高兴
  28. in Europe 在欧洲
  29. on (a) vacation 在度假
  30. in the mountains  在山里
  31. write to sb = write a letter to sb 写信给某人
  32. in spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter 在天、夏天、秋天、冬天
  33. take a photo of sb 给某人照相
  34. take a photo with sb 和某人合照
  35. in the rainy weather 在阴雨的天气里

39.spend time/ money on sth 花时间/金钱在某事上

40.spend time/ money( in) doing sth花时间/金钱在做某事上

41.spend time with sb 和某人一起度过时光

Unit 8短语

  1. post office 邮局
  2. police station 警局
  3. pay phone 付费电话
  4. near here = around here 在附近
  5. across from 在对面
  6. next to 在旁边、隔壁
  7. between … and … 在两者之间
  8. in front of 在…的前面  (室外)
  9. in the front of 在…的前面   (室内)
  10. (be) in town 在镇里
  11. thanks so/verymuch非常感谢
  12. no problem不客气;没问题
  13. go along/ down/ straight = walk along/ down/ straight 沿着…路走/一直走下去/直走
  14. turn left 向左转
  15. turn right  向右转
  16. on the left/ right  在左/右边
  17. on one’s left / right 在某人的左/右边
  18. at the first crossing/ turning 在第一个十字路口/转弯处
  19. a clothes store 一家服装店
  20. a bookstore 一个书店
  21. in one’s neighborhood 在某人的小区
  22. spend 时/钱 on sth/ (in) doing sth花...在...
  23. watch/seesb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事
  24. watch/seesb do sth  看见某人做某事
  25. climb/ walk around 到处爬/走
  26. the best things  最好的东西
  27. cross the street = go across the street 过街道
  28. enjoy doing 喜欢做某事
  29. go shopping=do some shopping=shop去购物
  30. spend time with sb 和某人一块度过时间

Unit 9 短语


1.look like 看起来像

2.long hair长发

3.short hair短发

4.straight hair直发

5.curly hair卷发

6.long straight hair 长直发

7.short curly hair 短卷发

8.curly blonde hair 卷曲的金发

9.long straight brown hair 长而直的棕色头发

10.be of medium height中等身高

11.be of medium build中等身材

12.go to the movie/film 去看电影

13.a little+不可数名词  一点,少量

14.a few+可数名词复数 一些...

15.wear glasses戴眼镜

16.a big nose 大鼻子

17.a small mouth 小嘴巴

18.a round face

19.black hair 黑发

20.big eyes 大眼睛

21.a long face 长脸

22.blonde hair 金黄色的头发

23.the same way 同样的方式

24.in the newspaper在报纸上

25.first of all 首先

26.in the end最后

27.see you later then那么一会见


Unit 10短语和句子


  1. would like 想要
  2. take one’s order 点菜
  3. beef soup 牛肉汤
  4. one bowl of… 一碗……
  5. what size 什么尺寸
  6. ma po tofu with rice 带有米饭的麻婆豆腐
  7. what kind 什么种类
  8. small / medium / large bowl 小/ 中 / 大碗
  9. green tea 绿茶
  10. orange juice 橘汁
  11. around the world 世界各地
  12. birthday cake 生日蛋糕
  13. cake with candles 有蜡烛的蛋糕
  14. the number of… 的数量
  15. make a wish 许个愿望
  16. blow out 吹灭
  17. in one go 一口气
  18. come true 实现
  19. get popular 变得流行
  20. cut up 切碎

20.bring …to … 把…带到…来


Unit 11短语

1.go for a walk散步

2.milk a cow挤牛奶

3.ride a horse骑马

4.fed chickens喂鸡

5.talk with a farmer和一个农   民谈话

6.take photos照相

7.show sb. around带某参观

8.last week上周

9.be interested in对…感兴趣

10.visit a museum参观博物馆

11.a lot of flowers许多花

12.climb a mountain爬山

13.learn a lot 学到许多

14.go fishing去钓鱼

15.so beautiful如此漂亮

16.play chess with sb.和某人一起下棋

17.how to怎么做

18.buy sth for sb.给某人买某物

19.all in all总的来说

20.the gift shop礼品店

21.have a nice weekend有个愉快的周末

22.fire station消防站

23.not...at all根本不

24.quite a lot 相当多

25.learn about 了解

26.grow strawberries 种植草莓

27.pick strawberries 采草莓

28.go on a school trip 去学校郊游

29.along the way 沿线

30.come out 出来

31.at night 在夜晚

32.in the countryside 在乡下

Unit 12  短语


1.do my homework 做我的家庭作业

  1. go to the cinema 去看电影
  2. go boating / camping 去划船 / 去野营
  3. play badminton 打羽毛球
  4. on Saturday morning 在星期六早上
  5. work as 以……身份而工作
  6. have a good weekend 周末过得愉快
  7. kind of 有点儿
  8. stay up late 熬夜
  9. run away 跑开
  10. shout at 对……大声叫嚷
  11. fly a kite 放风筝
  12. high school 中学
  13. put up 搭起,举起
  14. in the countryside 在乡下
  15. get a surprise 吃惊
  16. make a fire 生火
  17. each other 互相
  18. so… that… 如此……以至于……
  19. go to sleep 入睡
  20. on the next morning在第二天早上
  21. look out of…向……外看
  22. shout to 冲……呼喊
  23. up and down 上上下下
  24. wake…up 把……弄醒
  25. move into… 移进……
  26. see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事
  27. let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事
  28. start to do / doing sth. 开始做某事
  29. so…that… 如此…以至于

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