


Unit 1 知识点总汇

  • 重点单词短语
  • one /  it 辨析
  • one表示“同类异物”,即指同一类物体,但不是同一个东西
  • it表示“同类同物”,即指上文中或前文中所提到的同一个物体
  • family / house/ home 辨析
  • family:可以表示“家庭”,也可以表示“家人”,但都强调家庭中的全体成员,不指住房
  • house:有“住宅,家”之意,强调房屋
  • home:表示“家”,指人们生活居住的地方,强调居住的范围和环境
  • own
  • 自己的
  • of one’s own属于某人自己的
  • on one’s own = by oneself 独自地,独立地
  • 拥有:own sth. 拥有某物
  • owner:拥有者,物主 –> the owner of... 表示:……的主人
  • look out at/ look out of 辨析
  • look out at sth. :向外眺望某物look out at the birds
  • look out of sth. :从……往外看look out of window
  • dream
  • 梦想,梦 have a dream
  • 理想的,梦幻的  dream house
  • 做梦   dream of doing sth. 梦想做某事
  • have fun
  • have fun doing sth.做某事玩的很开心
  • have fun with sb. 和某人玩的很开心
  • have fun 中,此处的fun为名词
  • 只有fun + n. 时fun才为形容词,其他情况下fun都为不可数名词,表示“乐趣”,或“有趣的事”
  • It is fun to do sth. 做某事很有趣
  • funny:表示滑稽的,有趣的,可笑的
  • in bed/ on the bed
  • in bed表示:躺在床上(看电视,看书,听音乐等)或“卧病在床”
  • on the bed 表示:放置在床上
  • hope
  • hope to do sth. 希望做某事
  • hope +(that) +句子
  • 注意:没有hope sb. to do sth.这种用法!!
  • invite
  • invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事
  • invitation: n. 邀请,请柬


  • 重点句型
  • Would you like tolive in a palace?
  • would like = want 表示“想要”
  • would like sth. 想要某物
  • would like to do sth. 想做某事
  • would like sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事
  • would like 疑问句的回答
  • 肯定回答:Yes, please.  Yes, I’d like to.
  • 否定回答:No, thanks.

Sorry, I prefer to do sth. Sorry, I prefer sth.

  • I share a bedroom with my sister.
  • share ( )with sb.和(某人)分享某物
  • I live in a flat in the centre of
  • in the centre of:在……的中心
  • live:不及物动词,表示居住在……地方时,需要用介词
  • live in a flat
  • live on the second floor
  • 当后面的地方为“地点副词时”,如here, there, where,则live后面不需要加介词
  • 注意:当有place的情况下,live后面一般也不需要添加介词

It is a wonderful place to live.

  • He is always the firstto come to school in our class.
  • 序数词前面需要加定冠词the
  • 此句也可以转换为:He always comes to school in our class
  • The bathroom is the best placeto chat and watch TV.
  • the best place:最好的地方
  • 形容词最高级前面需要加定冠词the
  • the worst thing:最糟糕的事
  • the largest population:最多的人口
  • chat with sb. 和某人聊天
  • France has an area of over 260,000 square miles.
  • has/ have an area of:有……大的规模
  • in area:在面积上,在规模上
  • in size:在大小,尺寸上
  • over = more than (一般出现在任务型阅读或者句型转换中)



  • square: 平方的   square metres/ miles
  • 方形的,方的 square face
  • 广场  Tian’anmen Square    Red Square
  • 常用电话用语
  • Who is that speaking?
  • This is ....speaking. Who is that? 我是某某,你是谁?
  • Hold on, please. 请稍等
  • XX, you are wanted. 某某,有人找你接电话
  • Can I take a message for you? 我能替你捎个口信吗?
  • take a message for sb. 给某人捎个口信(一般指接电话人说)
  • leave a message to sb. 给某人留个口信(一般指打电话人说)
  • Can you ask him to call me back? 你能告诉他给我回电话吗?


  • 重点语法
  • 基数词
  • 基数词表顺序:单数名词+基数词  Class Two; Grade One(前后另个单词首字母必须大写),就可以替换为the + 序数词+单数名词
  • 表示数量时,当有具体数量时,在billion/ million/ thousand/ hundred后不加“s”和“of”
  • 当表示泛指数量时,则前面不需要有具体数量,但后面需要添加“s”和“of”,如:hundreds of; thousands of; millions of
  • in one’s + 基数词的复数形式:在某人几十岁的时候

in my twenties 在我20几岁的时候

  • 基数词+连字符+单数名词:表示形容词

30-minute walk;  2400-metre race;  1200-word composition

  • 序数词
  • 序数词的写法:基数词变序数词的口诀
  • 一二三特殊记,th从四起
  • 八加h,九去e,ve要用f替
  • 整十基数变序数,先把ty变tie
  • 要是遇到几十几,前半基数后半序
  • 注意:第四(the fourth) 第四十(the fortieth)第一百(the one hundredth)
  • 序数词表示第几时,前面需要使用限定词(形容词性物主代词或定冠词the)
  • 序数词表顺序:the + 序数词+单数名词àthe first class(第一节课)
  • a + 序数词/ the + 序数词
  • a+序数词表示:再一次,又一次à a second one(再来一个)
  • the +序数词表示:第几次àthe second one (第二个)
  • 序数词作副词:I always come to school first.


  • 分数
  • 分数的表达:序数词本身也可以表示几分之一的意思,所以在表达几分之几的时候,可以理解为有多少个几分之一,如:2/3则为两个1/3,即:two thirds 或two-thirds
  • 注意:在解决分数问题时,一定要注意以分数后面的名词的可数不可数,来判断谓语动词到底是否使用三单形式。
  • 形容词最高级
  • 形容词最高级的规则变化为:形容词后+est  如:the biggest; the cleverest; the largest
  • 形容词最高级的不规则变化:little—less—least    many/much—more—most   good—better—best    bad—worse—worst


Unit 2 知识点总汇

  • 重点单词短语
  • afraid
  • be afraid of sth. / doing sth. 害怕某物/害怕做某事
  • be afraid + that +句子恐怕……

I’m afraid that you have to stay at home alone tonight.

  • I’m afraid not. 可以表示对别人请求的否定回答。表示:我恐怕不行。
  • I’m afraid so.表示:我恐怕如此。
  • most
  • most + n.
  • most + of + 代词:most of us
  • most + of + the/ 形容词性物主代词/指示代词+ 可数名词复数/不可数名词:most of the students; most of the homework
  • luck
  • luck  àadj. lucky  à adv. luckily
  • unlucky  àadv. unluckily
  • lucky dog 幸运儿     lucky day 幸运日
  • 注意:做关于lucky的题目时,一定要把题目看全,看看到底要不要把“幸运”变为“不幸”
  • check
  • 检查(机器,身体) check sth.
  • help
  • help sb. with sth. 帮助某人某物
  • help sb. do (to do) sth. 帮助某人做某事
  • helpful: 表示:有帮助的
  • helpless:表示:没有帮助的
  • help oneself to 随便吃
  • 注意:关于help的延伸词汇在首字母填空以及任务型阅读中出现的频率非常高
  • broken
  • 破碎的,打碎的   be broken
  • fix
  • fix表示“修理”  fix sth.:修理某物
  • fix up表示“修好”
  • sound
  • 声音(voice为嗓音; noise为噪音; sound为声音)
  • 听起来,为“系动词”,sound + adj. “听起来怎么样”



  • bring/ take/ carry/ fetch
  • bring:带来,指从别处拿过来
  • take:带走,拿走,指从此处拿出去
  • carry:随身携带(没有明确的方向性)
  • fetch:去取来(往返)


  • far away from
  • be far from 表示“离……远”
  • 注意:有具体数字表示多远时,只用away,不用far,如:We live in a town 6844 kilometres away from Turkey. It’s very far.
  • worry
  • 担心  worry about sth. 为……担心
  • 担心  worry sb. 使……担心
  • worried : adj. 感到担心的,着急的

be worried about what to wear/ how to design it

  • sick
  • 表示“生病的”
  • be sick = be ill
  • 注意:病人只能使用sick people
  • notice
  • 注意  take notice of 注意……
  • take no notice of 不注意……; 不理会……
  • well/ good
  • well: adj. 表示“身体好”, I feel well. 我感到身体很好。
  • well: adv. 表示“好”,study well; learn well
  • good: adj. 表示“好”


  • 重点句型
  • It’s good to live in a neighbourhood like that.
  • It is + adj. + of sb. to do sth. (如果形容词修饰的是人,则用of sb.)
  • It is + adj. + for sb. to do sth. (如果形容词修饰的是to do sth,则用for sb.)
  • like表示“像”
  • I’m going to ask a computer engineer to check it.
  • ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事
  • Some college students are ready to
  • be/get ready to do sth. 准备做某事
  • be ready to do sth. = be willing to do sth. 乐意做某事
  • be ready for sth. = prepare for sth.为某事做准备



  • Will you wait for us to call back?
  • call back:回电话
  • wait for sb.等待某人
  • How aboutyour uncle?
  • 提建议的句子
  • How about / What about sth. / doing sth. ?
  • Why not do sth. ?
  • Why don’t you do sth.?
  • Shall we do sth. ?
  • Let’s do sth.
  • Would you like to do sth.?
  • He is going to make a fire.
  • make a fire: 生火
  • put out the fire:灭火
  • I am sureyou will be good at it.
  • be sure= be certain 确定,确信
  • be sure of sth. 确信某事
  • be sure to do sth.确定做某事
  • be sure + 句子 确定……
  • Are you worrying about what to wear to a party or how to design your home?
  • What to wear: 穿什么
  • How to design:如何设计
  • 注意:特殊疑问词+to do 中没有why to do
  • All our group members know a lot about styles and colours.
  • know about : 表示了解 = learn about


  • 重点语法
  • 一般将来时
  • will do :表示将来要发生的事情或状态
  • be going to do :
  • 计划打算做某事
  • 根据客观迹象,判断将来要发生的事情
  • there be 一般将来时
  • there will be
  • there is / are going to be
  • 反义疑问句中的一般将来时
  • Thereis going to be a meeting next week, isn’t there?
  • Thereisn’t  going to be a movie this evening, is there?
  • 注意:前肯后否,前否后肯



  • 不定代词
  • 不定代词有:something; anything; everything; nothing; somebody; anybody; everybody; nobody; someone; anyone; everyone; none
  • 不定代词作主语,视为单数
  • 形容词修饰不定代词,放在不定代词的后面:something interesting; something wrong
  • nothing= not anything
  • 在不表示委婉请求,且希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中,注意需要把something变为anything,somebody变为anybody






Unit 3 知识点总汇

  • 重点单词短语
  • maybe/ may be 辨析
  • maybe: 表示“可能”,“能够” = perhaps / probably
  • may be:情态动词 + 动词原形
  • 注意:maybe一般放在句首,修饰整个句子;may be放在句中,做谓语动词
  • watch
  • watch sb. do sth.
  • 看到某人经常做某事
  • 看到某人做某事的全过程
  • watch sb. doing sth. :看到某人正在做某事
  • 类似的词有:see/ notice/ hear
  • notice sb. do sth. 注意某人经常做某事/注意某人做某事的全过程
  • notice sb. doing sth.注意某人正在做某事
  • 注意:当遇到短暂性动词时,不能使用watch/ see/ notice/ hear doing sth. 只能使用do sth. 表示 “全过程”如:I hear someone come into the room.
  • quiet/ quite
  • quiet: 安静的 àquietly: adv. 安静地
  • quite: 相当,非常 quite cold 非常冷
  • famous
  • be famous for:因……而著名
  • be famous as:作为……而著名
  • miss
  • 思想,想念 miss you so much
  • 错过   I missed the train. “我错过了火车”
  • 差错   A miss is as good as a mile. 失之毫厘谬以千里
  • 小姐   Miss Wang
  • look forward to
  • look forward to doing sth. 期望做某事
  • smell
  • 闻起来 (感官动词) + adj.
  • 闻到  + n.  àsmell gas 闻到汽油味
  • sometimes
  • some times 一些次数
  • some time 一段时间
  • sometime 某个时刻
  • sometimes 有时
  • 对于sometime和some time的记忆口诀:分开为一段,相遇在某时
  • however/ but 辨析
  • however表示“然而,但是”,使用时,放句首时,但是后面需要用逗号隔开;放在句中句中时,需要前后都用逗号隔开,而but则不需要。


  • 重点句型
  • There are lots of things to doin Sunshine Town.
  • 动词不定式 to do
  • 作后置定语,修饰lots of things
  • 动词不定式 to do (表目的,将来)
  • try one’s best to do sth. 尽某人最大的努力去做某事
  • Ifyou do not like Chinese food, there are some Western restaurants too.
  • if 可以表示:
  • 是否: I don't know if he will come. (表“是否”时,不需要主将从现)
  • 如果:(符合主将从现)àIf I have time, I’ll go for a walk.
  • 主将从现(主句将来时,从句为一般现在时)
  • as soon as:一……就

àAs soon as you get to Beijing, I will call you.

  • Some families raisescows, and others grow wheat.
  • raise cows 养牛
  • raise: “饲养” raise sheep/ pigs/ cows...
  • raise: “举起,抬起”raise your hands 举手
  • raise: “筹集”raise money 筹钱
  • grow wheat 种植小麦
  • I am talking about what I want to do, not what I do not want to do.
  • think about
  • what to do 表示:特殊疑问词+ to do
  • I don’t know what to do. 我不知道做什么。
  • 注意:没有why to do 这种用法
  • Usually my mother drives us there to do the shopping.
  • drive: 驾车送,驾驶,开车
  • drive sb. to +地点 驾车送某人去某地
  • 重点语法
  • 人称代词
  • 主格宾格:作主语,用主格;作宾语,用宾格
  • 排列顺序:单数人称2,3,1; 复数人称1,2,3;道歉情况1,2,3
  • 物主代词
  • 形容词性物主代词:不能单独使用,后面需要加名词
  • 名词性物主代词= 形容词性物主代词+ 名词


  • 名词所有格
  • ‘s所有格:用来表示人或动物的名词,意为“……的”
  • 变化规则
  • 复数结尾有s的情况下,直接+‘
  • 复数结尾无s的情况下,直接+’s
  • 共同拥有,则在最后一个名词后加’s
  • 各自拥有,则在每个名词的后面都需要加’s
  • 特殊情况
  • 当遇到表示“时间”、“距离”、“价值”等名词后,也可以用’s所有格
  • ‘s所有格可用于表示某人的“店铺”或“家”

the doctor’s 医院; the baker’s 烘培店

  • of所有格:无生命事物名词的所属关系
  • 双重所有格:表示特定人的不特定关系
  • an old friend of mine:one old friend of my friends(我的其中一个老朋友)

Unit 4 知识点总汇

  • 重点单词短语
  • follow
  • follow = come/ go after跟随
  • follow sb. to sp. 跟随某人去某地
  • follow: 听从,遵守

It is important to follow the traffic rules on the way to school.

  • following: adj. 下面的,其后的,以下的

à the following statements 下面的陈述

  • have to与must
  • have to do sth. 不得不做某事
  • 有三单变化
  • 否定:don’t have to do sth. 没有必要做某事
  • must表示“必须,肯定推测”
  • 表示“必须”时,其一般疑问句的否定回答为:don’t have to / needn’t
  • 表示“肯定推测”时,对应的“否定推测”为can’t
  • 注意:mustn’tdo sth. 只表示“禁止”做某事
  • lie
  • 躺:Look! An old man is lyingon the ground.
  • 坐落于:Beijing liesin the north of China.
  • 说谎:I decided not to lie to anyone from now on.
  • 谎言:He always tells a lie.

注意:lie à lying(现在分词) à lied(过去时)

  • remember
  • 记住  àforget (忘记)
  • remember to do sth. 记得要去做某事
  • remembernot to do sth. 记得不要去做某事

Remember not to talk with your mouth full of food.

  • rememberdoing sth. 记得做过某事
  • 拓展:
  • forget to do sth. 忘记要去做某事
  • forgetdoing 忘记已经做过某事
  • stop to do sth. 停下去做另一件事情
  • stop doing sth. 停下正在做的事情
  • go on doing sth. 继续做某事(未做完,接着做)
  • go on to do sth. 继续另一件事情





  • prepare
  • v. 准备
  • prepare to do sth. 准备做……
  • prepare for sth. 为……做准备
  • prepare sth. 为某人准备某物

注意:prepare for sth. = get ready for sth.

  • danger
  • 危险 à safety 安全
  • in danger :处于危险中
  • outof danger :脱离危险
  • dangerous: 危险的  àsafe 安全的
  • trip / travel/ journey
  • trip :短途旅行   àgo on a trip
  • travel :旅行(统称)  àtraveling/ travelling 都可以
  • journey:长途陆地旅行
  • cross
  • 穿过,横过(从表面)
  • cross = go/ walk across
  • across/ through/ over/ past之间的辨析
  • across: 穿过(从表面)walk across the bridge
  • through: 穿过(从内部穿过) walk through the forest
  • over: 穿过(从上方穿过); 翻过,越过

climb over the mountain

  • past: 路过,经过 walk past
  • laugh
  • laugh at:嘲笑某人


  • 重点句型
  • How was your trip to the zoo?
  • 询问感受
  • 拓展:How did you find the trip to the West Lake?

回答:Very good! / Very fantastic!

  • Which way should I go at the traffic lights?
  • which way :哪条路
  • way短语的拓展
  • in the way 挡路
  • on the way 在路上
  • by the way 顺便说一下
  • the traffic lights:交通灯,红绿灯
  • You’ll see Sunny Garden at the corner of the street.
  • at the corner of:在……的拐角
  • Birds make beautiful sounds when they sing.
  • make sb. do sth.
  • make sb. + adj.
  • when they sing:when表示“当……时候”


  • 重点语法
  • 冠词
  • 定冠词(the)
  • 用于上文提到过的人或事物
  • 用于谈话双方都知道的人或事物,表示“这/那个”
  • 用于“世界上独一无二”的事物
  • 用于西洋乐器名词前
  • 用于某些 前表示一类人或事物
  • 用于一些固定短语中:in the evening ; in the morning …
  • 用于姓氏复数前,表示“……夫妇/一家人”
  • 用于序数词、最高级前
  • 不定冠词(a/an)
  • 用于固定词组中:a few days ago
  • 用于可数名词的单数形式前,表示“一”的含义
  • 辅音音素开头前用a
  • 元音因素开头前用an
  • 零冠词
    • 复数名词表示一类人或事物
    • 专有名词前/不可数名词前
    • 名词前已经有this/ that/ every / each/ some/ any或物主代词
    • 称呼语或表示头衔的名词前
    • 星期、月份、季节前
    • 三餐和球类棋类运动名词前
    • 一些固定短语中:at midnight
  • 方位介词
  • inside 和outside
  • inside:在……里面
  • outside:在……外面 = out of
  • above和over
  • above:在……上方,不强调是否垂直
  • over:在……(垂直的)上方
  • below和under
  • below:在……下方,不强调是否垂直
  • under:在……(垂直的)下方
  • in/ on / to
  • in表示内部位置;on表示两地接壤;to表示两地分离,不接壤
  • 反义疑问句
  • haveto 的反义疑问句

He has to go back home before 9 o’clock, _______?

A.hasn’t he B.has he C.doesn’t he D.does he

答案:此题选择C。注意has to并不是情态动词,因此需要借助助动词does,根据“前否后肯,前肯后否”的原则,选择C。

Unit 5 知识点总汇


  • 重点单词短语
  • hear / hear of/ hear from 辨析
  • hear: 亲耳听见某人或某事
  • hear of/ about :间接听说
  • hear from sb. :收到某人的来信

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

  • hear 强调听的结果

listen 强调听的过程(为不及物动词,listen to sth.)

  • happen
  • 发生
  • happen to sb. 发生在某人身上

---Look in the mirror, what happened _______your face?

---Oh, there’s some ink on my face.

A.to B.on C.in D.for

  • search / search for  辨析
  • search +搜索范围
  • The police searched the prisoner to see if he had a gun.
  • search sb. 搜某人的身
  • search for + 搜寻目标
  • My mother searched for the cat here and there but she couldn’t find it.
  • search for sb./sth. 搜寻某人/某物
  • suddenly
  • 突然地
  • suddenly = all of a sudden
  • anybody/ somebody/ nobody
  • somebody:表示“某人”或者“人物”

If you want to be somebody in the future, you must try your best to study well from now on.

  • anybody:表示“任何人”
  • nobody:表示“没有人”
  • reply/ answer
  • reply: 回复  reply to sth.

I often reply to my pen-friend’s letter.

  • answer: 回复(没有reply正式)
  • leave
  • leave for sp. 动身前往某地
  • leave sth. in/at sp. 把某物落在某地


  • way
  • on one’s way (to) sp. 在某人去某地的路上
  • in one’s way 挡路
  • by the way 顺便说一下
  • pick up
  • 捡起: He saw a bag on the ground and picked it up.
  • 搭载:The train stopped several times to pick up passengers.
  • surprise
  • 惊喜
  • What a big surprise!多么大的惊喜呀!
  • to my surprise,令我惊讶的是
  • be surprised to do sth. 对做某事感到惊奇
  • be surprised at sth. 对某事感到惊奇
  • I am surprised to know that he didn’t pass the exam.
  • He is surprised at the news.
  • close
  • 关,闭合à closed adj. 关着的
  • 接近的,靠近的,亲密的
  • the closest shop :最近的商店
  • close friend:亲密的朋友


  • 重点句型
  • We don’t talk any more!
  • not…any more:不再……
  • 同义词组转换: not …any more = no more…

à I don’t ride my bike any more= I no more ride my bike.

  • Fish sleep with their eyes open
  • with + n. + adj. :表示“伴随状态”

Look, he is sleeping with his eyes open on the desk.

  • without: 没有

He can’t swim without its fins or its tails.

  • Their eyes are the same size from birth, but their nose and ears never stop growing.
  • the same + 名词+as = as + adj./ adv. + as 表示有一样的……
  • His eyes are the same size as mine. = His eyes are as big as mine.
  • as …as中间使用 / adv.的原级

à He doesn't speak English as well as his brother.

  • the same as……:和……一样
  • be different from:和……不一样



  • The sun is about 1,300,000 times larger thanthe Earth.
  • 倍数表达
  • A + 倍数 + 比较级 + than B:A比B……多少倍

This hall is five bigger than that one.

  • A + 倍数 + as + adj./ adv. (原级) as+B:A是B的多少倍……

This hill is four times as high as that hill.

  • A + 倍数 + the size/ length/ width/ height/ weight of B :A是B的多少倍……

This hill is four times the height of that hill.

  • He can write with one handand draw with the other at the same time.
  • one …the other…一个,另一个(the other表示两者之中的另一个)
  • 此句也可以转换为:He always comes to school in our class first.



  • 重点语法
  • 一般过去时
  • 过去某个时间发生的动作或者存在的状态
  • 过去经常或反复发生的动作
  • 规则动词-ed的读音
  • 清念/t/,即ed 在清辅音后面念/t/
  • 元浊/d/,即ed在浊辅音后面念/d/
  • /t/ /d/之后念/id/,即ed在/d/ /t/ 音后面念/id/
  • 动词过去时变化
  • 保持不变:cost-cost; put –put; set-set ; hurt-hurt ; hit-hit
  • 改变元音:write-wrote; know-knew; hold-held; hang-hung
  • 改变辅音:lend-lent; make- made; send-sent
  • 改变元音和辅音:catch- caught; teach- taught;

buy- bought; bring-brought

  • 其他:have- had; burn- burnt; hear-heard; hide-hid

Unit 6 知识点总汇


  • 重点单词短语
  • look up
  • 向上看:The girl is too short, and she has to look up to see her sister.
  • 查阅:You can look up this word in the dictionary.
  • 拓展:

put up:搭建,挂起 make up:编造

pick up:捡起,搭载 dress up:打扮

  • pass
  • 路过,通过,传递
  • pass by = walk past 路过
  • hurry: vi. 快点,赶快
  • hurry to sp. 匆忙去某地(当后接地点副词时,to可以省略)
  • in a hurry:匆忙
  • He went to school in a hurry. = He hurried to school.
  • hurry to sp. = go to sp. in a hurry
  • get away:远离,逃离,离开
  • Mary caught a butterfly, but it got away fromher soon.
  • He wanted to get away from the small town.
  • fall
  • 落下(fell)
  • fall down :落下,倒塌
  • fall behind:落后
  • fall asleep:睡着
  • hit
  • 击打,击中(hit)
  • The bullet hit the police officer in the shoulder.
  • hit sb. in the +部位:击中某人……部位
  • alone/ lonely
  • alone: adj./ adv. 独自的,单独的(指客观情况)
  • lonely: 孤独的,寂寞的,偏僻的(强调内心,带有感情色彩)

Though he lives alone in a lonely village, he doesn’t feel lonely for he has many things to do. (尽管他独自住在一个偏僻的村庄里,但是他不感到孤独,因为他有很多事情要做。)

  • lock

Are you sure you locked the front door?

  • locked:上锁的,不灵活的

Look at the locked door. They must be out.


  • complain
  • 抱怨
  • complain to sb. 向某人抱怨
  • complain about / of doing sth. 抱怨做某事
  • complain to sb. about sth. 向某人抱怨某事
  • notice
  • 注意, 通知

take notice of 注意……

  • take no notice of 不注意……; 不理会……
  • try
  • try to do sth. 努力尝试去做
  • He tried to pass all the tests but failed.
  • try one’s best to do sth. 尽全力做某事= do one’s best to do sth.
  • have a try 试一试
  • make A out of B: 用B制作A
  • = use B to make A = make A with B


  • 重点句型
  • She looked up and saw a white rabbit in a coat passying by.
  • see sb. doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事
  • see sb. do sth.看到某人经常做某事或做某事的全过程
  • forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事
  • forget doing sth.忘记做过某事
  • stop doing sth. 停下正在做的事情
  • stop to do sth.停下去做另一件事情


  • How amazing!
  • What 型感叹句
  • What + a/an + adj. +可数名词单数+(主+谓)

What a strange plant !

  • What + adj. +可数名词复数/ 不可数名词+(主+谓)

What fools they were!

  • How 型感叹句
  • How + adj./ adv. +(主+谓)

How foolish they were!

  • How +句子

How time flies!

  • 感叹句选择How/What的方法
  • 去掉主谓部分,中心语是形容词或副词则用How;中心语是名词则用What。


  • She found herself alonein a long, low hall.
  • find + oneself + adj./ adv./ 介词短语

You will find yourself beautiful if you are confident.

  • find it adj. to do sth. = find it is adj. to do sth. 发现做某事……

They found it / it’s very hard to get to sleep.

  • Alice saw a small key on the table, but it didn’t fit any of the doors.
  • any of …表示“……中的任何一个”
  • Thereare lots of pens. You can choose any of them.
  • He practised playing volleyball with his friend.
  • practise doing sth. 练习做某事
  • Alicewas small enough to go through the door, so she decided to enter the garden.
  • + enough to do sth. 做某事足够……
  • He was busy enough to go nowhere.

= He was so busy that he didn’t go anywhere. (so + adj./adv. + that句子)

= He was too busy to go anywhere.(too… to )

  • decide to do sth. 决定做某事
  • decide not to do sth. 决定不做某事
  • Alice opened the bottle and drank a little.
  • a little: + 不可数名词
  • a little: + adj.
  • When he heard the news, he felt a little angry.
  • She looked down and saw that her body became smaller and smaller.
  • smaller and smaller :越来越小 (比较级 and 比较级)


Unit 7 知识点总汇


  • 重点单词短语
  • believe
  • 相信,认为
  • believe sb. 相信某人说的话
  • believe in sb. 信任某人
  • I don’t believe he can fix this computer. 我认为他不能修好这个电脑。
  • Believe it or not! 信不信由你!
  • able
  • 能够的,有能力的
  • be able to do sth. :有能力做某事
  • be able to = can
  • be able to有时态的变化:was / were able ; will be able to
  • be unable to do sth. :没有能力做某事
  • You’ve changed so much that I was nearly unable to recognize you just now.
  • ability: 能力(可数)
  • have/ has the ability to do sth. 拥有做某事的能力

= be able to do sth.

  • pay/ spend/ cost/ take
  • pay
  • pay + money for sth. 某人为某物付了多少钱
  • spend
  • spend + time/ money (in)  doing sth.  某人在做某事上花费多少时间或金钱
  • spend + time/ money on sth. 某人在某物上花费多少时间金钱
  • cost
  • cost sb. + money 某物花费某人多少钱。
  • take
  • It takes sb. + time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多少时间
  • burn
  • 燃烧 burn sb./ sth.
  • get burnt 烧伤了

He rushed out of the fire but got burnt.

  • hurt
  • 受伤的 badly hurt
  • 伤害 hurt sb.
  • vi. 疼痛 hurt(s)


  • in hospital:生病住院; in the hospital:在医院里
  • need
  • 实意动词
  • need sth.
  • need sb. to do sth.
  • 情态动词
  • Need sb. do sth.? (一般疑问句)
  • need not do sth. (否定句)
  • 帮助
  • in need 在困难中
  • people in need = people in need of help
  • A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情
  • take part in / join in/ join
  • take part in = join in 表示参加某种活动
  • take part in 特别强调“起一定作用”
  • join表示参加某种组织并且成为其中的一员
  • recommend
  • 推荐
  • recommend sth. to sb. = recommend sb. sth. 推荐某物给某人
  • recommend sb. as + 职位:推荐某人作为……
  • recommend sb. for ...:推荐某人获得……(奖项等)



  • 重点句型
  • Wecan also collect some books for the children.
  • collect 收集某物
  • raise money 募集钱;捐款
  • He was brave enough to save his neighbour from a fire.
  • save: 救;救助   save sb. from …从……里救出某人
  • save: 节约   save water/ money
  • I started to play the violin at the age of six.
  • at the age of ……在……的年龄


  • 重点语法
  • 数词-名词(单数)-形容词:构成一个大的形容词
  • an 11-year-old boy
  • 数词-名词(单数):构成一个大的形容词
  • two-month holiday = two months’ holiday




  • 情态动词
  • can
  • 表示“能力,能”,过去式为could
  • 表示请求许可时,相当于may,但语气没有may 严肃

句型:Can/ May I ….?

肯定回答:Yes, you can. / Yes, please. / Sure.

否定回答:No, you can’t / mustn’t. / I’m afraid not.

  • can’t
  • 不能够:Ican’t swim.
  • 否定推测:Itcan’t be hers. 肯定推测:must
  • could
  • 为can表示“能力,能”时的过去式
  • 表示请求许可时,用于疑问句中,语气比can更委婉

句型:Could I …?

肯定回答:Yes, you can. / Yes, please. / Sure.

否定回答:No, you can’t / mustn’t. / I’m afraid not.


  • may
  • 表示“可能”
  • 表示请求许可,用于疑问句中,比较正式

句式:May I …?

肯定回答:Yes, you can. / Yes, please. / Sure.

否定回答:No, you can’t / mustn’t. / I’m afraid not.



Unit 8 知识点总汇


  • 重点单词短语
  • feed
  • feed on…以……为食 Sheep feed on grass.
  • feed sb. sth. = feed sth. to sb. 用某物喂养…… We feed grass to sheep.
  • feed …on sth. 以某物喂养…… We feed sheep on grass.
  • on one’s knees
  • on one’s knees:在某人膝盖上
  • on one’s knees:跪着
  • holdà held(过去式)
  • hold sth. in (one’s) hand:把……握在手里
  • hold the line:别挂电话,稍等
  • hold :举行会议等   a parents’ meeting举行家长会
  • hold:容纳,装着
  • trouble
  • 麻烦
  • 作具体的某件麻烦事情时是可数的
  • 作一般的麻烦、困难时是不可数的
  • get sb. into trouble给某人惹麻烦
  • get out of trouble脱离困境
  • have trouble (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难
  • hunt
  • 打猎;捕杀
  • 寻找,搜寻
  • hunt for sth./ sb. 寻找某人/某物
  • fight
  • fight with sb. 和……打架/ 与……并肩作战
  • fight against sb. 和……打架
  • fight for sth. 为了……而斗争
  • 战争
  • agree
  • 同意,赞成
  • agree with sb./ sth. 同意某人/同意某观点
  • agree with sb. on sth. 同意某人在某事上的观点
  • agreement n. 协议
  • in the sun / under the sun
  • in the sun :在阳光下
  • underthe sun :天底下= in the world



  • weigh
  • “称……的重量” Do you often weigh yourself?
  • 对重量提问用:

How much do you weigh?  = What’s your weight?

回答:It weighs …./ It is ….in weight.

  • weight n. 重量
  • lose weight:减肥 gain weight:增肥


  • 重点句型
  • Mydog is the cleverest animal of all.
  • the cleverest 最聪明的
  • Builds me camps out of ticks.
  • build sb. sth. 为某人建造某物
  • build A out of B. 用B建造A。
  • I’ll look after him till the end.
  • till the end 直到永远
  • at the end of …… 在……的尽头,在……的末尾
  • in the end 最后,终于



  • 重点语法
  • 形容词的排列顺序
  • 记忆口诀:美小旧黄,中国木书房

a big old brown wooden house

  • 复合不定代词的构成和用法
  • 形容词修饰不定代词放在不定代词的后面


somebody anybody nobody everybody
someone anyone no one everyone
something anything nothing everything










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